
Thursday, September 1, 2022

The Incredible Hulk #272

What happens when you put the Hulk, Wendigo and Sasquatch all in one comic book?  Do you really need to ask?

After being exiled in space the Hulk is returned to earth by a group of grateful aliens (among them Rocket Raccoon) after he helped them.

He plummets to earth in the frozen Canadian north-not as the Hulk but as Bruce Banner.

Regaining consciousness he desperately looks for shelter amidst the snow and ice.

Meanwhile Dr. Walter Langkowski (Sasquatch of Alpha Flight) is searching for the mysterious and deadly hunter of men.

Bruce stumbles upon a lone cabin in the woods.  Desperate he enters looking for food and clothing.  What he finds are gristly human remains.

Just as he is about to leave the flesh eating Wendigo shows up and grabs him to eat him.

Remarkably the Wendigo is stopped by the now transformed Walter Langkowski in his Sasquatch form.

The Wendigo and Sasquatch tussle and soon the Wendigo has the upper hand.

Banner stands by helplessly as the Wendigo is about to deliver the final fatal blow to Sasquatch.

Willing himself to become the Hulk Banner transforms into the Emerald Giant, but this time with the mind of Bruce Banner.

Sasquatch and the Hulk take down the Wendigo, or so they believe.

When the Wendigo draws blood from the Hulk Banner temporarily looses control and the Hulk persona takes over and with teh help of Sasquatch delivers the final blow to the Wendigo, leaving him unconscious.

Eventually Banner’s senses return and he controls the Hulk.

What a great issue! Three classic Marvel characters all in one book and even a cameo shot of Rocket Raccoon.  Who could ask for more?

Currently a near mint raw copy of Marvel Comics  The Incredible Hulk #272 fetches about $40 and a slabbed copy goes for $120.

Deuteronomy 31:6 (NIV) “Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.”

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