
Sunday, September 25, 2022

The X Files Fox Mulder

The male side of the X-File investigative team is Fox Mulder: Special Agent, F.B.I. Fox was the believer in strange phenomenon.  He was obsessed with the occult, UFOs and other worldly phenomenon ever since his sister was abducted and disappeared.

The Mulder figure comes packaged in a custom X-Files Sideshow Collectibles box.

The box features a separate flip front lid with information about the character and show printed on the inside flap.

In the main body of the box a clear plastic panel allows toy collectors to view the Mulder figure.

Both the figure and the accessories are held in place and snuggly fit into a form-fitted clear plastic cocoon along with plastic straps.

The 12-inch, fully articulated figure’s head sculpt matches the features of Mulder from his short hair, sharp nose, wide chin and deep-set eyes.

Coloration on the face is slightly varied emulating real facial coloring.  The entire body is in flesh tone.

Articulation varies from pivot, ball and socket, twist to hinge.  This allows the figure to pose in many different positions, grasp items with its propositioned hands while standing or posed and with the aid of the solid black circular, white and green X-Files logo base and support wire the figure stays stationary and will not wobble or fall over.

The figure comes dressed in a white long-sleeved cuffed shirt with collar and snaps, a black tie, dark gray trousers, a flax jacket that Velcro’s over the shoulders, a dark gray belt with silver buckle and black dress shoes.

On the figure’s left wrist is a silver watch with a black strap.

Accessories include a walkie talkie with an attached headphone and microphone, a flip cell phone, a black flashlight, a hardball, a handgun and a black holster.

Details on the accessories are extremely accurate and the sculpture work is tight, crisp and sharp.  A newspaper declaring Elvis is dead is also included.

The figure can easily and securely hold the accessories.

Cloths and flax jacket move with the figure with no unnatural folds or creases.  The cloths fit just loosely enough to make them look like natural clothing.  The are made of real cloth.

It’s an impressive figure with character accurate clothing and accessories.

Hebrews 11:6 (NKJV) “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.”

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