
Tuesday, October 25, 2022

Cut From Stone

The World Is In Peril!

The not too distant future...the world is split between the East and the West.

The BlankZone rules the East and the Federation the West.

Chaos ruled the BlankZone for years and then suddenly things change. Somehow, someway they assembled a huge military force-a force determined to take over the west.

The Federation reinstates the draft for 17 years old and up and prepares for war.

High school student James suddenly finds himself in the military and being trained as a part of an elite group of highly specialized, elite human weapons.

After weeks of strenuous and intense training the group finds themselves stationed in an peaceful city. But why?

As James and his fellow soldiers begin to piece the puzzle together they discover a shocking truth.

Cut From Stone, by author Brendan O-Meara and self-published, follows James from his initial days as a raw recruit to his final transformation as a lethal killer, commando and leader.

He and a small band of fellow teens who survived and excelled in their training must take up the gauntlet to save the Federation.

But, can their training save them despite their lingering questions and concerns?

Cut From Stone delves into what happens to a person indoctrinated into the military and transformed into part of a unit where every action can mean life or death to their fellow soldiers and to civilians alike.

Luke 6:45 (NKJV) “A good man out of the good treasure of his heart brings forth good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart brings forth evil. For out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.”


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