
Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Peanuts: “Good ol’ Charlie Brown”

Good Old Charlie Brown And Friends!

Playing Mantis/Memory Lane produced a series of Peanuts characters sets back in the late 1990s and early 2000s.

The sets came in a large rectangular boxes with clear viewing plastic screens in the front.  

The various figures were secured in place by a form fitting plastic cocoon.

In the “Good ol’ Charlie Brown’ figure set toy collectors receive Snoopy, Woodstock, Lucy and Schroeder along with their various accessories.

Starting from the left the first figure seen is Schroeder.  The blond hair musical maestro is posed in a sitting position with both arms out and his hands in a piano playing position.

The partially articulated figure is dressed in a green and black horizontal strips t-shirt, black pants, green socks and brown shoes.

Accessories include a small child size yellow piano and a bust of Beethoven.

Next to Schroeder is Snoopy’s avian friend Woodstock.

The cute little yellow bird has a smile on its face and comes with a bird nest perched atop a small scraggly tree with spare green leaves.  

Next up is that lovable Beagle pup Snoopy.  Solid white with black ears, the Snoopy figure has his characteristic grin and happy eyes.  He also wears a collar.

Look for Snoopy’s red water bowl and the gray birdbath he frequents to watch Woodstock ice skate on.

Last is that rambunctious, grumpy and loud-moth tough girl Lucy.

She wears a short sleeve yellow dress with twin black strings, yellow socks and black and white shoes.

Included with Lucy is her ’The Doctor Is In-Psychiatric Help 5 Cents” red/orange stand with sign and three-leg stool.

All of the figures are exact 3D duplicates of their 2D namesakes right down to their hairstyles, clothing and expressions.

Paint application is excellent and clean and articulation is almost invisible.  Sculpt work is precise, crisp and perfect 3D representations of the characters.

“Good grief!’ it’s a great set of figures!

Isaiah 53:6 (NKJV) “All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the Lord has laid on Him the iniquity of us all.”

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