
Sunday, October 2, 2022

The Stuff Of Science Fiction

The Future Beckons!

Science fiction literature, like all literature, requires hard work, perseverance and imagination to complete.

Be it novels, movies, TV, video games or other creative avenues Science Fiction can be challenging, frustrating, time-consuming and ultimately satisfying when finished.

The Stuff Of Science Fiction Hardware, Setting, Characters, by author Gary Westfahl and published by McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, examines just what it takes to turn out science fiction in all of its various formats.

A Science Fiction universe must be populated by people, who despite the settings, are approachable, realistic and easy to identify with.

People need an environment to live including buildings, locations and time. They need hardware, transportation, a culture and entire an entire world or worlds to populate and explore.

There must be conflicts, companions, a social structure and a reason for their existence.

The wide spectrum of Science Fiction is explored in 21 chapters that touch on time travel, space flight, robots, distant worlds and galaxies, alien creatures of all sorts, flora and fauna and so much more.

The book explores various themes and patterns by selecting classic works from the dawn of Science Fiction to present day.

2 Corinthians 5:17
(NKJV) “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. “


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