
Saturday, December 3, 2022

Time Masters Vanishing Point #1

Batman Is Missing!

In a major DC Comics' JLA battle with Darkseid Batman was blasted by Darkseid's  Omega Beams.  Supposedly Batman was killed but it was later discovered that he was actually transported through time.

It was left up to The Justice League members (Superman, Green Lantern and Booster Gold) and Rip Hunter to find him and bring him home to the present.

Issue #1
began with part of the Justice League contacting Rip to help them find Batman.

As the Justice League and Rip traveled through time they discovered clues as to Batman’s presence in the Stone Age.

Did I mention Despero and Per Degaton (The Time Stealers) Goldstar and Supernova were also present?  Oh, before I forget Vanishing Point had been destroyed-things aren’t looking good.

Things got even worse when Rip Hunter wound up face-to-face with Claw The Barbarian.

It seems time was a turmoil and the fate of Batman was small potatoes compared with time itself becoming unraveled.

The Search For Batman Began-if only there was enough time.

Proverbs 17:22 (NKJV) “A merry heart does good, like medicine, But a broken spirit dries the bones.”

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