
Thursday, October 13, 2022

You Need This Book Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle

A Hilarious Shark Attack!

Years ago if you had told me that a comic strip about a man-eating shark along with his wife and aquatic friends would be the stars of a hilarious and popular comic strip I would have thought you were daft.

I was wrong. Sherman’s Lagoon has proved so popular that the comic strip has just released its 27th collection of daily and Sunday strips courtesy of Andrews McMeel Publishing.

I gotta say there are some seriously funny gags in You Need This Book Like A Fish Needs A Bicycle: TheTwenty-Seventh Sherman’s Lagoon Collection. Sherman’s Lagoon has rocketed up to be one of my top favorite comic strips.

Even with the limited space modern strips are restricted to in today’s newspapers Sherman’s Lagoon’s creator Jim Toomey still turns out some memorable jokes and gags.

You have to love Sherman’s Lagoon’s main cast:

  • Sherman the dim-witted but lovable star of the strip 
  • Megan, Sherman’s wife, who puts up with his insanity, stupidity and schemes
  • Hawthorne the Hermit Crab the ultimate shyster and huckster
  • Fillmore the sea turtle whose insecurity knows no bounds
  • Ernest the fish with the brain of genius and the body of a tasty morsel
  • Other characters include a sun-bathing polar bear and aquatic characters of all sorts

In this compilation of strips, Sherman and his buddies are up their usual shenanigans.

Here’s just a few things you can expect to encounter in this collection:

  • The Wandering Meatloaf
  • The London Fatberg
  • Beach Apes
  • Crabwarts Academy Of Magic
  • Hawthorne’s rat tail
  • Fillmore’s flamingo legs
  • Sherman’s rhino horn
  • A super secret compound
  • A flying car
  • Aliens
  • A swordfish motivational coach

It’s a truly hilarious collection all neatly bound up in an oversize softbound book. Take a chance, dive in, swim around and hope that Sherman has already had lunch.

Isaiah 55:8
(NKJV) “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.”

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