
Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Iron Man #191 and #192

The original Iron Man is back, gray suit and all and this time its him against the new Iron Man.  What’s going on?  Find out in Marvel Comics Iron Man issues #191 and #192.

A lot happens in these issues.  Tony Stark has lost Stark Enterprises to Stane Industries, he’s just come off a binge of alcoholism and he’s given up being Iron Man.

James Rhodes has taken Tony’s place as the Golden Avenger and he’s acting very strange.

He’s reckless, rude, paranoid, self-absorbed and determined to stay Iron Man whatever the cost.

When the super villain Vibro returns to California and regains his powers he escapes his captors and sets out to destroy Iron Man.

Rhodes blasts off to take down Vibe and in the process his recklessness destroys private property and endangers civilians.

Tony Stark has no choice but to put on the Iron Man amour to stop him.
Tony may have stopped being Iron Man but he hasn’t stopped designing and creating armor.  His latest armor is a cobbled together piece of technology very similar to his first set of gray armor.

Tony manages to stop Vibe, which infuriated Rhodes who then attacks Tony.  The battle is epic to say the least and the outcome is questionable.

I’m surprised these two issues aren’t key issues.  Tony and James battling it out in Iron Man armor is no minor event.

Matthew 19:14
(KJV) “But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.”

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