
Tuesday, November 8, 2022

The Silver Surfer Limited Series #1 and #2

French fantasy artist extraordinaire Moebius and writer Stan Lee tell the tale of The Silver Surfer and his one-time master Galactus.

Galactus has once more returned to earth. The Silver Surfer is not far behind.

The Surfer confronts Galactus reminding him that he vowed never to bother the earth again.

Galactus tells him and the people of earth that he has returned to earth to save mankind.

He sets himself up as god and promises the people of the world that he will free them and bring about peace and prosperity to all.

Soon he has a legion of followers. The Surfer is not one of them and he sets out to prove that Galactus is lying.

As the story unfolds the Surfer and Galactus eventually fight each other and during the heat of the battle Galactus reveals his true plan-a plan the Surfer must make sure never reaches fruition.

Moebius turns in some of the best work of his career.  Stan Lee tells a tale quite unlike anything he has done before.

Over the Marvel Comics 2-issue Silver Surfer mini-series Lee expounds on the weaknesses and strengths of mankind and weaves a story much more in-depth and complicated than any tale he has written over the years.  It’s some of his best work.

Complex, intriguing and enlightening are but a few words that best describe this epic.

Proverbs 18:21 (KJV) “Death and life are in the power of the tongue: and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.”

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