
Monday, December 12, 2022

The Incredible Hulk #377

Something amazing happens in Marvel Comics The Incredible Hulk #377.  Bruce Banner’s various Hulk persona battle it out in his mind-and Bruce Banner wins!

For the first time The Hulk has the brain and intelligence of Bruce Banner and it’s in control.

The Incredible Hulk #377 is a fan favorite with its bright green cover and the image of the Hulk against it in stark black and white.  The Hulk logo in contrasting purple/red really makes the cover pop.

Inside writer Peter David pits the different persona of the Hulk against each other in a round table discussion, of a sort, conducted by Doc Samson.

As the doctor delves deeper into the Hulk’s psyche disturbing images emerge along with violent outbursts from each Hulk and a mysterious being erupts.

Ultimately Bruce Banner is forced to deal with his abusive childhood and in the end take control of the Hulk freeing him to have the mind of Banner and the body of the green Hulk.

“Honey, I’m home.”  His wife Betty Banner is more than surprised.

Artist Dale Keown delivers a one-two knockout with his pencils. His mastery of the human figure and facial expressions is second to none along with his command of 3D space and settings. 

Job 19:25 (NKJV) “For I know that my Redeemer lives, And He shall stand at last on the earth;”

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