
Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Showcase Presents Metamorpho The Element Man #1

Imagine having the power to turn into any type of element at will. The only downside is that you look like a jigsaw puzzle consisting of elements.

Adventurer Rex Morgan is the ultimate thrill-seeker and will take on any assignment or challenge for the right price.

But when he steals a powerful artifact, The Orb Of Ra, from millionaire Simon Stagg he gets far more than he bargained for

The Orb transforms Rex’s body into a little conglomeration of elements.

Reluctantly Rex takes on more assignments for the millionaire (Who promises to one day cure him) mostly so he can court his lovely daughter Sapphire over the objections of Stagg’s ape man assistant Java,

Follow Metamorpho in some the most outrageous and imaginative adventures ever to see print in comic books.

DC Comics presents Showcase Presents #1 Metamorpho The Element Man that reprints his early adventures starting with The Brave and The Bold #57 into his own title,

Plus see him take on some of the most diabolical villains in the DC Universe and teaming up with other DC Comics heroes.2  

Timothy 1:7 (NKJV) “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.”


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