
Thursday, February 16, 2023

Be Prepared--Life Is Short

This last January I turned 70 years old. My wife is one year younger than me. We’ve been married for 44 wonderful years.

We have two kids, their spouses and two grand children: one boy and one girl.

Both my wife and I are in good health. We exercise, watch what we eat and get plenty of rest.

We’ve had a couple of health issues but nothing serious: I had some cancer on my right ear and my wife has had some respiratory concerns.

Other than that we‘re fit with the usual aches and pains associated with age along with the signs of getting old.

We’ve always been frugal and wise with our money and property. We’ve paid off our house, car and other expenses.

My wife is the financier in our family and she makes sure the monthly bills are paid.

We’ve set up our final estate making sure our kids will split up our property and funds. Final funeral arrangements are made-both of us are to be cremated.

Since my wife takes care of the bills and finances I’ve made a list for myself on where our money is, expenses, etc.

I’m the tech guy, so I made another list of passwords, computer procedures, etc. for my wife.

Our son, the oldest, knows where our important papers are, where our money is and what our final wishes are.

It’s not been easy preparing these things. No one likes to think about their own death, let alone preparing for it. But it must be done, death is a part of life. No one escapes it. We all grow old and die eventually.

As healthy as my wife and I are all it takes is a blood-clot, fall or other accident or medical condition and our whole lives could change, even death.

Both my wife and I are saved. We know we will spend eternity with our savior Jesus Christ. He has supplied all our needs and more.

We pray everyday for the saving salvation of our children and grand children.

As to my collectibles. I’ve already started weening down the collection beginning with selling off most of my trading cards and pulling boxes of books from my library which I am selling.

Next up is my toys and finally my comic books. Hopefully I’ll have most of it gone before I die.

Should I die first I don’t want my wife and kids having to deal with the stuff. If all of it isn’t sold off before I die my son promised me to make sure it is taken care off.

Other than a few items My kids and grand kids want I plan on liquidating my collection.

As they say, “You can’t take it with you.”

I hope to be around for a few more years along with my wife. We both want to see our grand kids grow up, graduate high school and start their lives and careers.

With God’s grace and his permission we’ll be allowed to do so.

"He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?" — Micah 6:8


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