
Sunday, February 26, 2023

Special Effects In Films And Television

The title says it all! Digital, optical and practical effects have come a long way in the movie and TV industries.

Looking back over the decades when special effects were first introduced they were crude, cheap and almost comical.

Not any more. Special effects have become such a critical part of the movie and TV industries that even in films and TV shows audiences would not expect special effects, they are present-form digital backgrounds, explosions, etc.

In Special Effects In Films and Television, by Jake Hamilton and published by DK Books, the secrets behind special effects are exposed starting from their infancy.

Before any special effects are created for film or TV the stories that are told must be first planned out.

From there the special effects wizards do their magic.

Every type of special effect is covered in the book form camera effects, matte painting, blue/green screens, space, stop motion animation, audio animatronics, miniatures, make up, flight, computer generated and more are covered in detail complemented by full color art and photos.

As special effects become more sophisticated what can movie and TV viewers expect in the future-virtual characters?

The possibilities are endless. soon the line between reality and make believe will almost be completely irradiated.

 "When I am afraid, I put my trust in You." — Psalm 56:3

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