
Saturday, April 22, 2023

Hulk: Worldbreaker, Hero, Icon

Did you know that the Incredible Hulk was originally gray? Marvel Comics’ Stan Lee changed him to green in his second issue because printing technology at the time could not produce a consistent gray from issue to issue.

Before The Incredible Hulk premiered there was another Hulk, also created by Stan Lee and Jack Kirby. He was an alien that premiered in one of Marvel Comics’ monster comic books.

Another interesting set of facts: Bruce Banner originally turned into The Hulk at night, The Hulk and Banner were separated at one time and The Hulk temporarily possessed Banner’s intellect. He was also married, had a son by an alien woman and ruled a planet.

The Hulk is far more than a rampaging monster. He is complex, ever evolving and conflicted.

Hulk: Worldbreaker, Hero, Icon, written by Rich Johnson and published by Universe Publishing, explores the persona and history of the Jade Giant from his radioactive beginning to his current day status.

What I really enjoyed about the book is how it is broken down into separate phases of The Hulk’s life starting with his origin, his transformations and complexity of his life and powers.

Storylines such as Planet Hulk, World War Hulk and various others incidents show the subtle and not so subtle changes The Hulk has gone through.

The origins of The Red Hulk, She Hulk, The Abomination and other irradiated Hulk off-shoots are also examined.

Readers will discover his various persona like the rampaging, savage and immortal versions along his long standing feud with The Thing and Thor and his membership in such superhero groups as The Avengers and The Defenders.

Lavishly illustrated with full color art taken from the various comic books issues The Hulk has appeared in along with cover illustrations make the book a visual treat.

The deluxe hardbound book is bulging with art and text. It’s ‘incredible’ just like The Hulk.

Each page offers a new glimpse into the life of green behemoth. There’s a lot to take in with the informative and fascinating text, beautiful art and more. It’s extremely well written and researched book made even more enjoyable with the colorful art. 

"And he said: 'Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.'" — Job 1:21


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