
Sunday, May 14, 2023

Atlas Of Dream Lands

There are regions in the world that border on the mystical. For centuries explorers, writers and scholars have speculated about them.

What makes them so mysterious? Why are they steeped in legend? What is it about them which has fascinated mankind for millennium?

Come explore these legendary lands via a series of illustrations by Karin Doering-Froger and writer Domique Lanni.

Discover the history behind each mysterious land and read descriptions and accounts of famous and not so famous individuals.

Scattered across the globe the legendary lands of myth and mythos draw in the curious seeker to learn about their secrets.

Beautifully illustrated maps show the topography of each along with secretly whispered names of enchanted regions.

For a magical tour of mystical places Atlas Of Dream Lands, published by Schiffer Books, is your guide to the unknown, mysterious and places mentioned in hushed tones. 

"A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." — Proverbs 11:25

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