
Friday, May 26, 2023

Flying Adventures

When I was a kid I loved all things aviation and space travel. At that time heavier than air aircraft had been around for only about 50 years.

Aviation and air flight were still considered exotic and something not everyone had experienced.

Many of the commercial airlines were still using prop aircraft. Jet powered aircraft was in its infancy.

Juvenile publications were ripe with stories of aviation, its heroes and adventures.

From 1909 to the mid-1960s many a kid thrilled to the literary adventures of brave pilots, flying aces and adventurers.

Author David K. Vaughan writes about the Juvenile Aviation Series Books In America From 1909 to 1964 in his new book Flying Adventures, published by McFarland & Company, Inc. Publishers.

Broken down by decades the book highlights juvenile aviation adventures starting in the early days of aviation and proceeds to chronicle aviation during WWI, The Golden Age of Exploration and Adventure, The Golden Age Girl Series-Pilots as Professionals, Military Fliers, WWII, Flight Stewardess Series and Postwar and The Space Period.

I recall reading many of the series listed from Airstrip Boys to Steve Canyon.

All were exciting, informative and fun to read. The book provides an excellent guide and description of each series along with characters involved, locations and so forth.

For a wonderful aviation flight down Memory Lane, Flying Adventures delivers.

"Jesus said to them, 'Most assuredly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.'" — John 8:58


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