
Tuesday, May 23, 2023

Frazetta Book Cover Art Definitive Reference

The first time I saw artist Frank Frazetta’s work was for the cover art for Lancer Books’ 1960s’ pulp reprints of Robert E. Howard’s Conan The Barbarian.

Frank’s luscious paintings captured the essence of the Cimmerian barbarian.

Enthralled and excited by his paintings I searched for other Frazetta work produced which included a whole series of Edgar Rice Burroughs paperback books from John Carter to Tarzan.

I learned Frank also did comic book work encompassing all genres. His early EC Comics work is highly sought after by collectors as is his pre-comic book code non-EC Work.

The Deluxe Slipcase Hardcover Edition: Frazetta Book Cover Art book, from Vanguard Publishing, contains not only his Conan and Burroughs covers but also encompasses his early non-fantasy, fantasy, science fiction and other book cover work spanning his long career.

For the first time ever his cover work is presented in chronological order providing readers the opportunity to witness and study his evolution as an artist.

His mastery of color combined with his eye for composition made the covers exciting and enticing, encouraging readers to purchase and read the books.

Frank’s use of colors made human (or otherwise) figures look real with soft shadows, glistening flesh highlights and the mastery of form, positioning and complexity.

Each painting was unique ranging from frozen wastelands to hot steamy tropics all reflected in the characters via their garb, weapons and poses.

What I find especially interesting about his work over the decades is how it changed.

At first his paintings (more like illustrations) consisted of line work with colors applied.

As his style matured more emphasis was placed on his color palette.  Shadow and light were painted using various color overtones. 

The complexity and details of his figures, their clothing, the settings and creatures also increased.

It must be noted that all of his work was done on board or canvas.  No computer technology was involved.

Many artists have tried to duplicate Frank’s style. Some have come close but none can match his stunning unique painting technique or flair for eye-popping designs.

The book offers a complete collection-definitive reference and also includes a special bonus section of some his frontis and title pieces.

The book begins with Chapter One: The Conqueror and then author J. David Spurlock provides an informative introduction in chapter one that delves into Frank’s work and career. 

Chapters examine the covers and includes where they were used, the date they was produced, are sprinkled with quotes from Frazetta and include other details.

If you are a fan of Frank Frazetta’s artwork this is book is a must-have edition.

The beautifully designed slipcase and hardbound book features Frank’s paintings and the interior pages printed on heavy coated paper stock complements his art work making it look as fresh and new as the day it was first printed. 

"Keep your lives free from the love of money and be content with what you have, because God has said, 'Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you.'” — Hebrews 13:5

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