
Friday, June 16, 2023

The Artist’s Mind

Be prepared, we’re about to visit someplace strange, different and somewhat unsettling: the artist’s mind.

I can state such a bold claim because, I myself, am an artist. My professional career consisted of art, graphic design and teaching both.

Trust me when I say entering an artist’s mind is not for the faint of heart.

All kidding aside author Kathryn Vercillo’s new book: The Artist’s Mind, published by Schiffer Publishing, explores the creative minds and mental health of famous artists.

What is it about artists’ minds that set them apart from others? Why do they see the world differently, experience emotions so intensely and become obsessed with drawing, painting, sculpture and other forms of art?

Accented by pen and ink and water color portraits of artists, both living and passed, the book delves into the lives and thought processes of each.

What quirks dominated/dominate their lives? How did/do they channel their creativity? What forces or events influenced/influence their creative process?

What exactly made/makes them who they were and are? Were/are they mentally challenged? Were/are they afflicted with strange mental dysfunctions? How did/do they manage too operate and function in society?

So much is revealed about each artist in a captivating examination into the creative mind.

Were/are they on drugs, depressed, melancholy or slightly mad?

What connection has mental health and creativity have to each other?

Speaking as an artist we are often categorized as “a little strange”. And that’s OK.

Where would the world be without the genius and eccentricities of creativity? 

"Let everything that has breath praise the Lord. Praise the Lord." — Psalm 150:6

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