
Monday, July 17, 2023

The Eternal Future Of The 1950s

As corny, silly and ridiculous as some of the science fiction movies from the 1950s were (with some notable exceptions) it may surprise some people that their influence on today’s science fiction cinema is huge.

Such classics as When The Earth Stood Still, Forbidden Planet, War Of The Worlds, This Island Earth, Invasion Of The Body Snatchers and others provided the genesis for some of the most ground-breaking science fiction films of modern times

Several authors and McFarland & Company, Inc. Publishers have assembled almost 20 essays on the lasting influence of the decade’s science fiction films., edited by Dennis R. Cutchins and Dennis R. Perry with an afterword by Thomas Leitch in The Eternal Future Of The 1950s.

Monsters, aliens, other worlds and dystopian visions are just a few of the subjects examined.

Careful research went into each essay with special attention given to each film's contribution to modern cinema.

As antiquated 1950s sci-fi cinema may seem to today's audiences their contribution to and inspiration of today's films is undeniable.

Whether it is their story-lines, cutting technology of their time or the subjects or message they conveyed the 1950s sci-fi films set the stage for later films.  

I watched many of the films when they first aired in the cinemas and I was just as awed, excited, frightened and inspired by them just as much as I am by today's films.

 "As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart." — Proverbs 27:19



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