
Sunday, August 20, 2023

Doom Patrol #1

It seemed oddly fitting that one-time Marvel Comics' Uncanny X-Men penciller John Byrne would turn his talents toward DC Comics’ Doom Patrol.

For decades the conversation and controversy about both groups was which one came first since they are so similar.

As usual John Byrne turned out a stellar script full of surprises and dynamic art.

The first issue took up where The Doom Patrol/JLA crossover started.

Having fought a horde of vampires and their master The Doom Patrol and The Justice League were in for a surprise when they discovered that remnants of the bloodsuckers still exist.

To make matters worse the vampires had taken over the bodies of some super beings and threatened to annihilate both The Justice league and The Doom Patrol.

Things go from bad to worse when Negative Man’s spectral energy being is possessed and seemingly killed Jonn J’onzz, The Martian Manhunter.

Leave it to John Byrne to create one heck of a cliffhanger ending.

While his run on The Doom Patrol lasted less than 20 issues it was memorable for its re-imagining of the characters and its all out action.

It was about this time when John started to lose favor with both DC Comics and Marvel Comics.

He managed to burn too many bridges and not long after The Doom Patrol John’s work would disappear in mainstream comics and shifted to smaller press projects from IDW and Dark Horse primarily.

Nowadays John primarily makes his living off of art sales.

Recently his self-published extension of The X-Men series he posted on his website generated some excitement with fans.

Possibly John may be dong a series from Marvel Comics if Marvel and he can come to an agreement.  I wonder what Joe Quesada has to say about it?

"I will both lie down in peace, and sleep; for You alone, O Lord, make me dwell in safety." — Psalm 4:8

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