
Friday, September 29, 2023

George Perez Storyteller

It’s hard to believe that a young man who was totally untrained in art taught himself to draw and became one of the premiere comic book artists of all time.

I’ve followed George Perez’s career from the start when he was still developing his own style.

As the years progressed George proved himself to be reliable, fast and imaginative.

Never afraid to take up a challenge George churned out an astonishing amount of work sometimes penciling three to four titles a month-many of them team books!

George got his start at Marvel Comics with such titles as Man-Wolf, White Tiger, Logan’s Run and a smattering of second tier titles.

He soon graduated to The Fantastic Four, The Avengers and other high-profile titles.

When DC Comics called and offered him the Justice League of America, he was thrilled.  There was one condition: he must pencil the newly re-launched The New Teen Titans.  He agreed.

To everyone’s surprise The New Teen Titans was a huge success.  George did get to pencil a number of JLA issues.

Once on the Titans George’s style took a quantum leap in quality and complexity firmly establishing his reputation as a superhero team penciller and the master of ’stuff’.

It seems there was nothing that George could not draw.

His biggest challenge was penciling the groundbreaking Crisis On Infinite Earth maxi-series.

Later in his career he would pencil a number of epic maxi and mini series, return to Marvel to pencil The Avengers, branch out and publish his creator owned series and various titles for small independent publishers.

Unfortunately George had to curtail most of his penciling because of health concerns and he passed away surrounded by his family.

In George Perez Storyteller, from Dynamic Forces, George's incredible career is spotlighted and complemented by hundreds of black and white and color illustrations George penciled over the decades.

It amazes me that one person could have such incredible talent and an unbridled imagination and that he was able to translate all of it to drawn images.

Not only a visual storyteller, George was a respected writer in his own right with such titles as Wonder Woman and many other products under his belt.

"Bear one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ." — Galatians 6:2

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