
Monday, September 18, 2023

The Prisoner Vol. 1

Actor Patrick McGoohan had just come off the British TV series Secret Agent Man in the late 1960s.  He decided to create his own spy TV series and came up with The Prisoner and TV would never be the same again.

McGoohan starred as John Drake in the spy series.  When the show ended and he created The Prisoner he never gave a name to the lead character.

However, it was obvious that the character was John Drake.

The show began with Drake quitting the Secret Service only to be gassed and transported to an island where he was a prisoner. He was constantly prodded and harassed about why he quit the Secret Service.

Viewers never knew if his antagonists were with the British Secret Service or unfriendly foreign powers.

While on the island he was constantly bombarded by methods to reveal his supposed secrets.  He was given a number (6) and if he tried to escape a large undulating sphere would stop him.

The show reeked of paranoia and reflected the times it was produced during the Cold War.

Three episodes are included on the The Prisoner Vol. 1 collection that also includes several DVD features: a map of the island, trivia, the original trailer and more from A&E.

"And he said: 'Naked I came from my mother's womb, and naked shall I return there. The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.'" — Job 1:21

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