
Tuesday, October 3, 2023


We’ve all heard the rumors: a secret government base located in the desert outside of Los Vegas, Nevada, testing site of alien technology, hangers full of UFOs and aliens from other worlds.

Area 51 has been clocked in secrecy since its inception in 1955. What are the facts? Is it all those things previously mentioned or are they all speculative fiction?

Author Peter W. Merlin and Schiffer Publishing delve into the facts about Area 51 in Dreamland The Secret History Of Area 51.

Originally a ramshackle, cobbled together military base for testing aircraft Area 51 has grown to a huge government complex with multiple buildings, hangers and an underground complex.

But is it as sinister and secret as believed?

Join the author as he delves into the history of Area 51 from its genesis as a temporary building and tent complex to its current state of high-tech, state-of-the-art, mega-complex filled with military secrets.

Not only is the base a testing ground from experimental aircraft it is so much more.

Learn how new technology, flight uniforms, instrumentation, offense and defense systems, weapons and all things military are tested, tried and approved.

This massive hardbound book contains dozens of black and white and color photos of aircraft, equipment and other items never or seldom seen by the public,

Peter W. Merlin provides an exhaustive, well-researched and impressive piece of work that leaves no detail left out.

Learn the truth about Area 51. It’s even more amazing than fiction!

"Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver." — 2 Corinthians 9:7

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