
Saturday, October 7, 2023

Strange Tales #158

Nick Fury and Baron Strucker have their ‘Final Encounter‘ in Marvel Comics' Strange Tales #158.

If you are a new comic book reader or only been collecting for the last ten years or so you need to do yourself a favor and pick up the Nick Fury series in Strange Tales written and drawn by Jim Steranko.

Steranko changed the face of comic books in he 1960s.  His artistic approach included introducing elements of POP, OP and other modern art influences.

His dynamic page layouts, mastery of the human figure, talent for depicting high-tech and futuristic technology and creating gripping stories revolutionized how comic book stories could be told.

While his output was relatively small his impact on the comic book industry is still being felt today. In Strange Tales #158 Nick Fury and his longtime Nazi nemesis Baron Strucker faced off.  

Strucker revealed his deadly Satan Claw and tried to kill Fury with it.  In one of the most dynamic fight sequences even seen in comic books, Steranko delivered a one-two punch as Fury seemingly perished.  It was an incredible tale.

In an equally momentous tale Doctor Strange encountered the Living Tribunal (his first appearance) that passed judgment on Doctor Strange for releasing a cosmic menace.

The penalty was the destruction of Earth.
Only Strange’s wit, wisdom, determination and strength of will managed to save mankind.  He had to stop the evil he has released is a short span of time or Earth was doomed.

I love these old Marvel Comics.  Unlike so many of today’s comic books Marvel Comics in its early days dared to take chances and pioneered such epic stories.

Nothing else in pop culture at that time could match the imagination and creativity of Marvel Comics.

Artists and writers took pride in their work even though the wages were low.  Quality and creativity were at the forefront, not the almighty dollar.

"Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen." — Ephesians 3:20-21

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