
Sunday, December 31, 2023

ClanDestine #1

Imagine a family consisting of individuals whose parents consists of an immortal and a Djinn.

Blessed and cursed with unusual powers, the family is shunned and feared by the general public.  Thus, they keep their activities hidden, for the most part.

There are occasions however when they interfere with human events that pit the good against the bad.

In the ClanDestine five-part mini-series, written and drawn by Alan Davis, from Marvel Comics, readers were introduced to the various members of the ClanDestine.

The opening two-panel free for all was Alan Davis at his penciling best.

You were immediately drawn into the melee until you realized it is the imaginative musing of a young member of the family.

The series immediately stepped into the shadowy world of a secret organization tracking the members of the ClanDestine.

Its investigations were sinister and unbeknownst to the ClanDestine.

Meanwhile after a few family squabbles the family decided to set personal feelings aside and prepare for the visions experienced by their immortal father.

Danger awaited and only by banding together could the ClanDestine hope to survive.

Alan Davis created a very intriguing title with an unusual premise.  His artwork sparkled as did the inks by Mark Farmer.

While the mini-series led to a monthly series ClanDestine only lasted for a short time.

Marvel would be wise to bring them back as an X-Men offshoot.

It would be interesting to see Marvel’s mutants team up with them. 

"Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you." — Ephesians 4:31-32 

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