
Wednesday, November 22, 2023


Have you ever wondered why some individuals excel?

Why is that some people absolutely knock it out of the park when in comes to science, math, sports, art, music and other professions and pursuits?

The other day I was crusin' the Web looking at some comic book artists' work.  For the sake of brevity I'll pick out one particular artist: John Byrne.

John got his start professionally in comic books back in the mid-1970s.  From there he soon found himself one of the most sought after artists in the comic book industry.

After drawing some second-tier titles he soon graduated to the larger titles such as The Fantastic Four, Superman, Woman Woman and so forth.

Not only did he draw the various books but he wrote them, usually inked them and more often than not lettered them.

The man was a comic book creating machine!

While it's true that his comic book art is seldom seen in comic books anymore John is anything but idle.  He still produces plenty of art-primarily for himself.

My point is--how in the world could he produce so much art and stories of such high caliber?  Take a  look at some of his art commissions?  Incredible.

His imagination and story-telling knows no bounds.  Why? Obviously he's talented, but it's more than that.

He's a creative genius, plain and simple.

How can one person have so much talent?  Hard work?  Consistency?  Determination?  A superior memory?  Probably all of those combined and more.

Personally I'm a little jealous.  I can draw, but not at John's scale.  I have a pretty good imagination-but not equal to the level of his story-telling talent or scope.

As I said before, there are many talented people out there-especially when it comes to visual art.  What's their secret?

If someone finds out, let me know.

"For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do." — Ephesians 2:10

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