
Sunday, November 19, 2023

Secondary Action Heroes Of Golden Age Comics

Most everyone has heard of the popular superheroes first introduced during the Golden Age of comic books starting with Superman and winding down in the early 1950s.

Golden Age superheroes were especially popular during World War Ii.

Heroes like Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, The Flash, Hawkman, Spectre, Green Lantern and others were big hits with kids and G.I.s alike,

Unfortunately during the mid-1950s comic books in general came under attack. Superhero and Horror, Crime and Fantasy/Science Fiction/Supernatural comic books were especially hard hit.

But, during the heydays of the Golden Age there were literally dozens of second and third tier Action/Western, etc. heroes that were equally popular although not as as enduring as the aforementioned major super/action heroes.

In Secondary Action Heroes Of Golden Age Comics, by writer Lou Mougin and McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, those secondary action hero/heroines are given their due.

Jungle heroes and heroines, science fiction good guys and gals, Western lawmen, crime stoppers and more are carefully and lovingly examined complete with art, history, stats and much more.

Many of the characters stemmed from film and TV adaptations, were original creations or copied from existing genres.

For a fascinating history lesson about the unsung action heroes from the Golden Age of comic books, this is the book for you.

"As water reflects the face, so one’s life reflects the heart." — Proverbs 27:19

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