
Monday, January 22, 2024

Top Trumps Limited Editions 007 Every Assignment

Get ready to “flip” over James Bond-literally!

Top Trumps Limited Editions 007 Every Assignment game cards come in a flip lid plastic box with a stunning silver casing and clear plastic viewing panel.

Simply remove the cellophane, pull up on the clear plastic card holder and viola!, you’re ready to play!

The 007 card game is fast, fun and full of trills with some unexpected twists and turns.

Learn some fascinating facts of Bond's friends and foes.

Here’s a short description of how to play the game:

  • Any number of people can play. Shuffle the 30 cards and deal face down.
  • Holds your cards face up so you can see the top card only.
  • The player left of the dealer starts.
  • Read the top card’s stat. The other players do likewise.
  • Whoever has the highest stat wins the round. They take the top cards and place them at the bottom of their deck.
  • They choose the next stat.
  • If no stat matches, two players have the same stats or the data is unavailable. All cards are placed in the middle.
  • Try again and read the same stat from the next card. Whoever’s stat is higher wins all the cards, including the middle.
  • Whoever has all the cards at game’s end-wins!

Back to the cards themselves.

Cards features one particular character on each seen in the various sanctioned Bond films.

Stats include Power and influence, Technology and Gadgets, Brute Force, Allure and Charm, Treachery and Top Trumps Rating.

The cards have rounded corners, are printed on semi-gloss, medium weight card stock and feature beautiful full colors photos of Bond film characters.

Gamers will love this set of stunning cards and 007 fans will want them for their collection.

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O Lord, my strength and my Redeemer." — Psalm 19:14

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