
Thursday, February 22, 2024

Things Are Looking Up

Welcome to The Twenty-Eighth Sherman’s Lagoon Collection: Things Are Looking Up from 2022, courtesy of Jim Toomey and Andrews McMeel Publishing.

In this delightful oversize softbound book Sherman the shark and his buddies (among them a lovelorn turtle, shyster crab and a genius fish) life under the sea is a lot more strange than you can imagine.

Have you ever wondered what lurks under the ocean’s wave? How about a bumbling and not so smart killer shark that somehow manages (along with his friends and family) to dirty up the waters, mess up the murkiness and flip the ocean environment on its soaked side.

Here are just a few examples:

  • Sherman playing golf and getting abducted by an UFO.
  • Sherman suddenly realizing he’s submersed in water and panics.
  • An internet and IT savvy fish.
  • Hawthorne the crab entering a father-son golf tournament with a pro-golfer lobster.
  • Poseidon shows Sherman who is the boss.

Need I say more? It's an outrageous outing under the sea with aquatic crazies as every bit as weird and unpredictable as their land-locked, surface dwellers.

It’s time to get your feet wet and step into the undersea silliness of Things Are Looking Up.

"Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see." — Hebrews 11:1

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