
Friday, March 8, 2024

Mac And The Milestone Of Time

Mac-a little field mouse, lives in the Old Wye Mill.

While playing with a friend outside Mac is attacked and snatched by a bird of prey.  The bird was too close to the mill and smacked into the wall causing Max to fall into the millstone's center hole.  

Pop! Suddenly there were swirling lights and Mac found himself in the past.

Panicked and desperate Mac only wants to find his way home. But, in order to do so he must travel the decades, with the assist of his ancestors, reliving the history of the Old Wye Mill.

Along the way, beginning in 1682, he experiences pivotal points in history such as the Revolutionary War, The Civil War and other important events taking place in and around the mill.

What a wonderful adventure. Kids of 2nd to 6th grade level are sure to love these historical adventures of Mac. It’s a great way to learn about American history, figures and our country.

Thrill to Mac’s adventures when he encounters a hungry snake and cat, meets some fellow woodland and pond creatures, stumbles upon his ancestors and learns about the impressive history of the Old Wye Mill, the oldest operating gristmill in the United States.

The book also includes black and white illustrations, a diagram of the mill and even how to make Maryland Beaten Biscuits.

Author and artist Timothy Young and Schiffer Kids present: Mac And The Millstone Of Time, a delightful small hardbound book that brings American history alive. Highly recommended!

"Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain." — 1 Corinthians 15:58

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