
Thursday, April 18, 2024

Give Me Liberty An America Dream 1: Homes & Gardens #1

Two of the 1980’s top illustrators and writers: Frank Miller (The Dark Knight Returns) and Dave Gibbons (Watchmen) teamed up to bring the adventures of Martha Washington to comic books.

In a future fictional world a black woman gives birth to a girl by the name of Martha Washington.

In this particular world the poor and most minorities are housed in complexes safely guarded and patrolled.

Martha longs to be on her own and free. She is kidnapped by a gang member {he mistakes her for a boy because of her attire) for his boss’s amusement her life is sparred because of her gender.

As she grows up she attends public education that seeks to control her every moment through propaganda.

She rebels, kills her tutor, escapes, hunts down the former gang boss and kills him and joins a ‘peace keeping force’ that promises her better life.

As a soldier she takes part in one of the bloodiest battles imaginable and manages to survive-eventually being recognized as a hero.

But her newfound notoriety also brings her to attention to the corrupt government. She is warned to tow the line and not cause any ripples. At first she complies.

The Give Me Liberty An America Dream 1: Homes & Gardens mini-series by Miller and Gibbons and published by Dark Horse Comics, offers a frightening look at a dystopian society that is not too far-fetched.

Given the current state of politics, power grabs and the widening gap developing between classes Give Me Liberty’s An American Dream is not too far off the mark.

John 16:33 - These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

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