
Saturday, April 6, 2024

I Promise You I’ll Be Home

I was born in 1953, the same year the Korean War ended.

Growing up I often met Korean War veterans-either through family or friends.

Most didn’t talk much about the war. Those who did mentioned the hardships, horror and loss of friends and comrades. But mostly about missing their families.

Editor Sara S. Hodson and McFarland & Company Inc., Publisher present I Promise You I'll Be Home Korean War Letters Of A U.S. Marine by Pulitzer Prize winning author Al Martinez.

Martinez compiled the letters while in boot camp, on the front line and behind the scenes during the Korean War.

The letters reflect his thoughts, observations and memories of the war as witnessed first-hand.

His personal and touching letters were written almost on a daily basis to his wife.

At only 21 years old Martinez’s talent as a writer was obvious at a young age.

He would go on to be an accomplished writer/columnist.

Martinez wished to have his letters eventually compiled and published. It was his hope that his experiences with war would inspire others to consider the ramifications and costs of war.

Sadly he did not live long enough to see his letters published. After his passing his wife and his family accomplished his dream.

The book contains heartfelt accounts of the horrors, humor and boredom of the war, the absurdity of the military and the fear, friendships, hardships and dangers on the front.

Also included are many of his sketches.

Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. 1 Corinthians 13:6-7

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