
Saturday, April 13, 2024

Journey To The Center Of The Earth

Pat Boone in an adventure movie!? Adapted from the Jules Verne novel, Journey To The Center Of The Earth finds a group of adventurers taking a perilous journey to the nether regions of the earth in hope of finding a passageway to the center of our planet.

Four men, a woman and a duck face the challenges of such a journey in a thrilling film that explores the wonders and dangers beneath the earth’s crust.

As a kid I was blow away by the story.  The tale starts in the United Kingdom.  A young college student gives his beloved professor a lava rock as a present.  

When the professor heats the lava rock a strange object is revealed: a plumb bob that belonged to a fabled archeologist who disappeared years ago.

On the object is a marking and after careful examination of the stone the professor deducts that it came from a certain volcano-a volcano that may possibly have passages that lead to the center of the earth!

Gathering their belongings the professor and student set off only to arrive at their destination, discover that the other professor they sent the formation to verify their discovery had bought all the cave exploring equipment and was set to make the discovery himself.

Mysteriously the man is killed.  His wife arrives, agrees to help the professor on the condition she may go with him and the student along with a guide and his pet duck.  They reluctantly agrees.

Unbeknownst to all of them another man, the descendent of the original explorer, will also be making the journey

From this point on the intrepid adventurers discover a crystal cave, giant mushrooms, long buried ruins, an underground ocean, dinosaurs and other amazing discovers.

The film was released in 1959 and other than a few clunky effects it still holds up today.  20th Century Fox released a DVD in widescreen format.

Philippians 4:13 - I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.

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