
Thursday, April 25, 2024


When CBS/Paramount decided it was launching a new Picard streaming series I had one question, “Would the new series be a continuation of the original Star Trek: The Next Generation?”

Yes, sort of.

Picard takes place approximately 20>25 years after the crew of the Enterprise went their separate ways.

Picard is now an old man, living at his vineyard with his Romulan housekeepers-seemingly content.

That is until he meets a certain young woman.

From there it’s full steam ahead as he encounter the heirs of Data, the Borg Queen, travels back in time, shifts to an alternate timeline, meets Seven Of Nine, reunites with Q and yes, teams up with his old crew. There is so much more.

I like it, it’s different and still familiar enough to jump right in where The Next Generation left off. I hope they do more.

Titan Books and author Joe Fordham delve into the three season, streamed series and its new cast of characters and reintroduction of classic characters including the Borg Queen, Hugh, Q, Lore, Seven Of Nine and others.

Each season was distinctly different from each other with their own unique adversaries and conflicts.

Star Trek Picard The Art And Making Of The Series examines how the series came about and the logistics of reintroducing the original Enterprise crew under Picard’s command.

Each character has changed over the years-look for some surprises.

The book covers the sets construction, character designs, ship and transportation concepts-including bringing back the original Enterprise D.

Delve into how the impressive visual, computer and practical effects were pulled off, and costume designs, ship interiors, weapons, technology construction.

Look for concept sketches, computer-generated 3D images, in-depth text, commentaries, insider info and other areas of expertise that it took to pull off such a complicated and technically challenging series.

I really like the dull-coat paper stock and high-gloss spot varnish text and photos dust cover.

John 16:33 - These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.

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