
Friday, May 10, 2024

South Pacific Air War

World War II. America was fighting on two fronts against the Axis powers.

The Nazi were advancing across Europe destroying towns and villages and killing thousands of soldiers and civilians and attempting to wipe out the Jewish population in its lethal concentration camps.

In the Pacific the Imperial armed forces of The Rising Sun (Japan) was entrenched on island after island putting up ferocious resistance to the Allied troops.

The Pacific Theater was bloody, brutal and fought tooth and nail.

In author Richard L. Dunn’s South Pacific Air War readers are given a blow-by-blow description of the fierce fighting and “The Role Of Air Power In The New Guinea And Solomon Island Campaigns, January 1943 To February 1944”.

Schiffer Military History has published the massive new book that goes into minute detail as chronicled in both U.S. and Japanese reports.

Discover how pivotal the Pacific Campaign was as the U.S. military sought to squelch the Japanese supply lines, fight bloody battles in the jungles and on the beaches and deployed the now legendary PT boats.

It’s some pretty serious and heavy reading that is both exhaustive and captivating.

Over 80 years ago the fate of the entire civilized world was at stake when the forces of evil battled for world dominion.

Only the combined land, sea and air military forces of the Allied troops managed to extinguish the threat.

World War II historians and history buffs in general will absolutely devour this book. Even if you are not a history buff this book is well worth reading.

As the saying goes, “Those who ignore the pitfalls and mistakes of history are doomed to repeat them.

I plan on passing this book on to many of my friends who are military, ex-military and military history buffs.

Isaiah 40:28 Hast thou not known? hast thou not heard, that the everlasting God, the LORD, the Creator of the ends of the earth, fainteth not, neither is weary? there is no searching of his understanding.

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