
Sunday, May 26, 2024


Storm from the Uncanny X-Men has gone through a number of costume changes.  The 1:12 Scale, hand-painted, metal statue from Corgi Storm wears primarily blue and gold.

Very few Corgi busts exist.  It seems the company was in the character diecast arena for only a short time.  The company is mainly known for its metal diecast vehicles.

The statue stands about eight inches tall, including the base, comes in a form-fitted Styrofoam container held together with two cardboard straps.

The entire assembly fits into a three tab, lidded box decorated with Storm photos on all sides.  Mine is 230 out of 2,500 pieces.

Storm wears a single-piece, dark blue body suit with no straps.

A single large red jewels rests between her breasts.

From the jewel two golden straps lay over her shoulder and attach to a blue cape with lightning jagged gold edge trim.

A gold sash hangs from her waist.

The body suit ends in high heel shows.

Both ends of the cape attach to Storm's wrists.

Her white hair lays down her back to her waist.

In her hair she wears a black decoration with two ‘horns’ surrounding a circle with a cutout middle.

Two additional ‘horns’ lay on each side of her face.  Her eyes are white and pupiless, her eyebrows arched, her smiling mouth shows her teeth and accents her red lips.

Both arms are raised with hands extended and fingers flexed as if summoning the weather.

The figure stands with one leg slightly in front of the other on a base painted to look like a snow covered section of rock.

Paint application is smooth and clean with careful attention given to the face, hands and upper torso.

The glossy paint gives the figure a slight sheen.

Sculpt work is first-rate with nicely modeled clothing folds and figure anatomy.

The statue is solid and heavier than it looks.

Hebrews 4:12 - For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

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