
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Super Pig

“Faster than a speeding snail! Able to leap tall anthills in a single bound! More powerful than a plate of food! Look, down on the ground! It’s Super Pig!"

The artist and writer team of Copons & Fortuny and publisher Schiffer Kids present the ultimate superhero: Super Pig!

The only problem is-he has no super powers-but tell him that.

Bitmax & Co Super Pig is a delightful new small, hardbound book that proves that it doesn’t take super powers to be a superhero, only a big heart and determination.

Things are usually pretty quiet in the Blue Forest but Super Pig somehow not only manages to cause trouble he usually makes things even worse when he tries to solve the problems he caused.

Still, his friends try to help him live his dream of being a superhero. Nothing works.

That is until a certain baddie gives him a super suit-it also gives him a super bad attitude-an attitude that almost costs him his friends and his own health and well-being.

What a fun story!

The art is amazing and the text is easy to understand and funny.

What a great bunch of delightful Blue Forest characters. It’s no wonder the Bitmax & Co books are so popular.

Romans 12:18 - If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men.

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