
Wednesday, July 31, 2024

I Hate Picture Books!

There comes a time in every young child’s life when they abandon all of their picture books and discover books with no visual aids-sort of.

A little boy. A very upset little boy.

Why is he upset you say?

Well, it seems he’s sick of kid picture books.

Every time he looks at one and imagines that the things in the books will actually happen or tries out some of the outlandish things done in the books nothing ever turns out right.

In fact, sometimes it’s disastrous and to make things worse he gets in trouble from his parents.

So, he decides to get rid of all of his picture books, until...

He starts to remember all of the great stories and art and how much he loved (and still loves) the stories.

Sometimes things aren’t as bad as they seem. In fact, things are pretty good.

Join artist/writer Timothy Young and publisher Schiffer Kids, in the delightful and fun I Hate Picture Books! beautifully illustrated picture book. It’s a real treat and a great lesson about decisions in life.

Philippians 4:6 - Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.

Monday, July 29, 2024

The Art Of Ironman 3 The Marvel Studios Infinity Saga

After the stellar success of the Ironman movie and its follow up film Ironman 2 how could Marvel Studios top each film?

How about having Tony Stark tackle a foe who doesn’t need armor to destroy his Ironman armor, who destroys his home, almost kills his friends, sends Tony scrambling to recoup and introduced Tony’s army of armor, paranoia and the set up for The Age Of Ultron storyline in the second Avengers movie?

Are those enough reasons to check out this film? You bet it is! I am only touching the tip of the iceberg on just how pivotal and important Ironman 3 is in establishing the final confrontation with Thanos in The Avengers: End Game.

Titan Books and authors Marie Javins and Stuart Moore, along some very talented designers and artists present The Art Of Ironman 3 The Marvel Studios Infinity Saga, an oversize hardbound book with pages printed on dull-coat gloss paper that makes the photos and art in the interior pop.

Beautifully designed and laid out the book delves into the story of the film and provides production sketches, art and some interesting observations and behind-the-scenes information that when combined offer a killer examination of the film.

Page through the book and check out the armor, costume, set, special effects, practical effects, equipment, weapons and all the other goodies that make Ironman 3 a thrilling armor-plated delight.

Look for storyboards, high-tech sketches and designs and so much more that it makes the mid boggle. Full-color photos and art fill the book’s pages in full-page and multi-page spreads.

Learn all about the Ironman armor, The Ten Rings, The Mandarin, Extremis and other key tech, individuals and moments in the film.

Ironman was great, Ironman 2 bumped up the tech and Ironman 3 brings it all together to expand the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Saturday, July 27, 2024

Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure

It’s the breakout movie from director Tim Burton.

Actor Paul Reuben, who played Pee-Wee, already had a semi-successful comedy act.

Rueben and Burton got together and collaborated on Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure about a man/child who goes on a quest to find his beloved stolen bike.

The adventure takes Pee-Wee across the United States where he encounters bikers, a ghost, an escaped prisoner, a lovelorn waitress, Hollywood, the Alamo, a dinosaur park and more.

Delightfully wacky and imaginative Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure is considered a classic by movie film lovers.

Reuben’s delivers a brilliant performance.  His man/child Pee-Wee character is frantic, frenetic, funny and a perfect foil for a spoiled rich kid, bikers, a bully and the police.

Tim Burton delivers a cleverly constructed and unique directorial delight as he leads Pee-wee through a montage of locations, unique situations, unusual encounters and break neck speed action.

Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, from Warner Bros./Discovery is the perfect film for kids and adults with enough innuendoes, inside jokes, hilarious visuals and sweet moments to please even the most skeptical movie goer.

It’s fun, funny and fantastic.

Pee-Wee would go on to star in one more big screen movie, a made-for-TV movie, a multi-Emmy Award winning Saturday morning TV series, TV specials, guest appearances and generate a plethora of promotional material.

Psalms 13:5 - But I have trusted in thy mercy; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation.

Thursday, July 25, 2024


Have you ever been so scared in your life that it felt as if you were going to faint or die?

And yet, as human beings we love to get scared.  Go figure.

When I was younger some of my favorite magazines were put out by Warren Publications. They included Creepy, Eerie and Vampirella.

I was also a big fan of Famous Monsters Of Film Land, EC Comics and other such publications.

Universal Studios monster movies were also a favorite.

Not long ago I was cruising through the Internet looking for information about said publications. It was then when I spotted some paintings that looked similar to the ones I loved.

Curious I investigated and discovered a whole gallery of scary paintings and illustrations done for Brazilian magazines and comics.

I didn’t recognize the artist’s name: Jayme Cortez, but after more digging I discovered he was a very well-known and respected artist whose art for Brazilian publications was/is much loved by not only Brazilians but others from all over the world.

The majority of his work was published in the 1950s and 1960s. Unfortunately he passed away in the 1970s.

His terror art has been compiled by Korero Press in the deluxe softbound book: Terror The Horror Comic Art Of Jayme Cortez Volume 1 by Fabio Moraes.

Prepare yourself for some of the most horrific, frightening and downright scary art ever created for the horror genre.

Included with the insightful and information packed text is a gallery of full-color paintings ranging from images of vampires, ghouls, monsters and other denizens of the night and imagination.

I love it.

Along with the full-color paintings are sketches, black and white art, model studies and much more.

The book provides an interesting insight into the career, motivation and inner passion for art of the artist.

2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

Wednesday, July 24, 2024

The Infinite Forbidden

There are certain ancient mystic abilities best left alone. They are forbidden and to use them can cause great harm and disaster.

In ancient Egypt the Pharaoh used such powers to strike down his foes. 

This forbidden power is now yours to command, but be careful, what is yours to command can be used against you in Konami’s Shogen Jump Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game’s The Infinite Forbidden.

Exodia is stronger than ever!

  • Reveal all 5 pieces of Exodia from your hand or Deck and Summon a new Exodia Fusion Monster that can’t be destroyed by Card effects and will add Points!
  • The new Fusion Exodia cancels 1 Spell or Trap activation
  • It fetches an Exodia-themed Spell/Trap from your Deck each turn.
  • Place your Tablet monster on the field as a Spell Card.
  • Infuse it with your life-force to Special Summon.
  • A Spell Card gives you a bit of Millennium Magic.
  • The Infinite Forbidden contains 100 new Cards in all including a brand-new World Premiere theme.
  • The 25th Anniversary Celebration includes 25 Quarter Century Secret Rares and 1 Special Card.

The Infinite Forbidden Core Booster Set includes:

  • 10 Secret Rares
  • 14 Ultra Rares
  • 26 Super Rares
  • 50 Commons
  • 24 of these Cards are also available as Quarter Century Secret Rares and 1 special Card is only available as a Quarter Century Secret Rare.

Nine Cards come per Pack with 24 Cards per Box.

Romans 15:13 - Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Marvel Comics Essential Thor Vol. 1

As much as I enjoy the early Fantastic Four comic books for their wild and imaginative costumes, villains, heroes and locations Marvel Comics' Mighty Thor is in some respects even more imaginative.

Way back in the early 1960s Editor-in-Chief of Marvel Comics' Stan Lee was on a role. Every new hero he introduced only added to the popularity of Marvel Comics.

Having great success with The Fantastic Four, The Hulk, Spider-Man and other heroes Lee decided he wanted to do something totally different-a new type of superhero-a god.

As a fan of Vikings he decided to explore their Norse religion. He chose to create a hero out of an existing legend.

Scouring the various Norse Gods he settled on The God Of Thunder and in issue #83 of Marvel’s anthology title Journey Into Mystery he introduced Thor.

Banished to earth and stripped of his memory Thor was transformed into a mere mortal: the cripple Dr. Don Blake.

While on a trip in Norway, Blake witnesses the invasion of rock aliens and takes refuge in a cave. While there he finds and old wooden cane.

He strikes it and The Mighty Thor is reborn.

In the following issues of Journey Into Mystery the mythology and legends of the Norse Gods are revealed introducing Asgard, The Rainbow Bridge, Thor’s father Odin and his evil stepbrother Loki and other incredible characters and locations.

Various mythical and earthbound villains are introduced as well as Thor’s love interest Jane Foster.

Stan Lee and penciller Jack Kirby let their imaginations run wild introducing some of the most imaginative and fantastic worlds, costumes, etc. even created for comic books.

Marvel Comics Essential Thor Vol. 1 reprints, in glorious black and white, Journey Into Mystery issues #s 83 to 112.

Witness the power and might of Thor and the incredible worlds and characters that populate his universe.

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—His good, pleasing and perfect will." — Romans 12:2

Saturday, July 20, 2024

Anime Architecture

Have you ever watched a movie or a TV series taking place in the future where buildings make up huge metropolises either intact or destroyed in a Dystopian disaster?

How about Blade Runner, Batman’s Gotham City, Akira, Ghost In the Shell or literally dozens of other films and TV series?

In Amime Architecture, written by author Stefan Riekeles and published by Thames & Hudson, readers are invited to explore Imagined Worlds And Endless Megacities.

Futuristic cities are depicted often in modern movies and TV shows. With the advent of computer digital art constructing such cities is becoming increasingly easier.

Once a city grid is laid out and finished film-makers can adjust the city to various angles, age it and add lighting and atmospheric effects.

But, how difficult and time-consuming was it to do so before the introduction of computer generated images? Each view of said cities had to be created by hand including perspective, coloring, visual effects and much more.

In the deluxe hard-bound book author Stefan Riekeles delves into great detail about just how difficult and time-consuming constructing Anime architecture using the old-fashioned way-by hand.

The book is filled with art and photos of scenes and cities used in famous Anime films such as Akira, Ghost In The Shell, Metropolis and others.

Finished art is shown along with preliminary sketches, architectural renderings, layouts, animation cells, backgrounds and so much more.

As a graphic designer and artist myself I am impressed and in awe of the amount of work that went into each piece of art. The details are amazing as is the use of perspective, close-ups, color palettes and the overall designs.

As amazing as computer generated images are it’s important to note that without the creativity and hard work of artists who first used hands-on methods today’s modern imaging would have never taken place.

Romans 15:13 - Now the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that ye may abound in hope, through the power of the Holy Ghost.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

The Art Of The Avengers The Marvel Studios Infinity Saga

Next to The Fantastic Four The Avengers is my favorite Marvel Comics superhero group.

I’m old school so I read the original series that introduced The Hulk, Thor, Ironman, Antman and The Wasp as The Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Later Captain America, Hawkeye, The Scarlet Witch and others would join the team.

When Marvel Studios announced that it would be releasing The Avengers as a live-action movie I got really excited. Would Marvel Studios pull it off or would it be a disaster?

Needless to say the movie was a huge success and helped usher in the Marvel Movie Universe.

My favorite scenes in the movie were the roundabout shot of The Avengers in the city, The Hulk taking out the oversize tech-dragon, The Hulk thrashing Loki and Black Widow fooling Loki.

The Titan Books’ The Art Of The Avengers The Marvel Studios Infinity Saga is an oversize, deluxe hardbound book with a beautifully painted dust cover.

Writer Jason Surreal and designers Jeff Powell and Adi Branov have created a beautifully designed book filled with color photos and art and in-depth text examining the production of the movie from concept to completion.

Ryan Meinerding and Charlie Wen provide an introduction that leads into a prologue all about how The Avengers movie team was assembled.

A Cinematic Universe Timeline breaks down the progression of Marvel movies and TV series and the important events that pulled the universe together.

Each of the important characters in the film are fully examined along with how they were presented in the film and costumed.

Weapons, technology, transport, special effects, set designs, scenes and every aspect of the film are examined.

Conceptual paintings, final renderings and finished costumes, sets, etc. are also included.

The book is an incredibly thorough look at the film with great art, amazing visual effects, cutting-edge technology resulting in a cohesive whole.

There is so much information, visual reference, photos and art contained within it’s difficult to take in with just one sitting.

It is an extremely well-designed book, thoughtfully assembled and executed.

Psalms 31:24 - Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.

Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Zits Current Mood

Teenagers-I vaguely remember being one. Of course I was the ‘perfect’ teen-courteous, obedient, polite, quiet, in control of my emotions and hormones and logical   -as if!!

Like all teenagers I was a mess and I gathered all my family and friends to join in on my teenage angst, temperament and illogical choices and perspective on life.

In Jerry Scott and Jim Borgman’s newest Zits collection of daily and Sunday comic strips; Current Mood, published by Andrews McMeel Publishing, teenage temperaments and chaos are on full display.

Jeremy and his high school classmates make life ‘interesting’ for his parents, teachers, adults and society at large.

One moment they are well-behaved teenagers the next moment hormone driven beasts, children in adult bodies and perpetrators of adolescent antics.

Experience humiliation via parent, classic book chaos, a locker compactor, an energy drink overdose and other outrageous incidents anyone who has experienced teenage life.

Somewhere inside of you is a frazzled, frantic, frenzied and flipped out teenager-let Zits free your teen!

1 John 4:19 - We love him, because he first loved us.

Sunday, July 14, 2024

True Detective: Night Country

Alaska-a cold and unforgiving land where only the hardy and tough survive. It is a land of mysteries, legends and vast areas never explored by man.

Such is the case with detectives Liz Danvers and Evangeline Navarro as they investigate the disappearance of eight scientists.

Following the clues the detectives begin to pieces together and tie the disappearance to a a gory murder case from several years before.

When it is discovered that the past victim had a connection to one of the missing scientists the detectives suspect that there is far more going on that first thought.

True Detective: Night Country is the fourth installment of the anthology series collected on Blu-ray by Warner Bros./HBO/Discovery.

Bonus features include a Q & A, several featurettes including a piece on the Alaska Native culture and several atmospheric teases.

For an edge-of-your-set detective/crime/thriller be sure to put on your winter cloths, pack plenty of supplies, arm yourself and get ready to enter the Night Country.

Proverbs 23:18 - For surely there is an end; and thine expectation shall not be cut off.

Friday, July 12, 2024

Time Buddies 1

Time travel-I’ve been fascinated by the concept ever since I read H.G. Well’s The Time Machine novel and saw the early film adaptation of the book.

Imagine being able to travel the centuries to the past or to the future.

What would it be like to visit past events and witness history or travel to the future to see what is to become?

When I spotted Time Buddies 1 by Colleen, Thomas, Cody, Nguyen and Venable, published by Andews McMeel Publishing, I was immediately intrigued.

The Epic! hardbound book is a graphic novel in book form featuring full-color illustrations broken down by chapters of individual time periods.

Join Hoot, the owl from the future and Bentley, the boy from the present, as they meet via hieroglyphic drawings and a chrono-belt.

Somehow the drawings activate the chrono-belt and they are hurdled through time, totally out of control.

While on their journey they wind up in the time of the dinosaurs, witness the wonders of ancient Egypt, hit the dusty trails in the Old West, meet up with Leonardo Da Vinci in the Renaissance and eventually take part in one of the most unusual time compilations ever imagined.

Along the way they bump into some unusual characters-not all of them good, and somehow manage to make it home.

Look for some interesting time facts, sketches and more.

John 13:34-35 - A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another.

Wednesday, July 10, 2024

Project UrbEx

One of my all-time favorite things to look up on the internet are videos made by urban explorers or as I refer to them as: urban archaeologists.

These individuals explore old buildings, churches, businesses, amusement parks and other structures and properties left abandoned and decaying from the elements. It’s fascinating.

Join video-game developer/ creator/artist/writer and photographer Ikumi (Tommy) Nakamura as she fearlessly explored, over the course of years, long forgotten buildings and locations that have succumbed to time and decay.

Haunting ghost towns, wastelands, power plants, factories, hotels, places of worship, theaters, parks, airfields, monuments and more are documented by the author in stunning color photographs carefully composed and selected.

The deluxe hardbound book: Project ErbEx, published by Thames & Hudson, is filled with personal observations by the author, descriptions and exclusive Manga.

The interior dull-coated, paper-stock pages amplify the beautiful decay and nature’s encroachment and takeover of each location.

Dusty, damp, derelict and dilapidated each site is a reminder of how time is the master and we are but its temporary servants.

Take a moment to ponder and try to envision that each building and location was at one time new and teeming with people living their lives and going about their daily tasks.

Listen and you can hear children playing in the parks, see worshipers silently praying and workers making noises as the make their various products.

Now steeped in shadows and random beams of light, moldy, mildew covered, dirty, crumbling and strewn with furniture, old clothing and other objects each location is a reminder of how life is short and time marches on.

The book provides a fascinating look at not only old and crumbling structures but the progress of mankind as well.

Ephesians 4:29 - Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

Monday, July 8, 2024

Shooting Handguns

I own a handgun. It’s an old 22 target pistol left to me by my father-in-law. I’ve fired it a few times. I am far from an expert with handguns.

I take it with me when we go on vacation as a safety precaution while traveling. It stays holstered with extra ammo.

I’ve yet to take it out while away from home. However I need to learn how to properly use it. It’s a long barrel model. I’d prefer a smaller handgun. I’m looking into purchasing one.

I believe, just like learning how to drive a car, that I need to know how to properly use a handgun.

In authors Gregory M. & Stephen D.Weir’s book: Shooting Handguns, published by Schiffer (Military) Publishing, readers are given an introductory guide to shooting safely and effectively.

It’s just the book I need!

Inside are instructions on selecting a handgun, the anatomy of handguns, and how to properly clean a handgun.

Sections demonstrate how to use a handgun, different types of bullets and calibers, safety precautions, the proper stance, holding, firing and target practice.

Full-color photos and illustrations lead readers along making it easy to understand and how to properly use a handgun.

It’s a great resource for beginners, a quick catch-up for veteran handgun users and a great reference source for identifying handguns, ammo and so forth.

Proverbs 22:6 - Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

Saturday, July 6, 2024

Big Dweeb Energy

I admit it, I was a nerd, dweeb, weirdo, oddball and ‘unusual’ growing up. I was a wall-flower, socially awkward, shy, scared and intimidated by girls, avoided bullies and jocks and tended to stay to myself.

My few friends were just as big social outcasts as I was all the way through high school.

Fortunately I grew-or so I tell myself.

In Big Dweeb Energy, the newest Fox Trot collection from Andrews McMeel Publishing and writer/artist Bill Amend, dweebness in glorious color is on full display.

Whether its nerdness, being a teenager or a frustrated adult dweebness is not particular in who it affects.

That’s no more evident in the hilarious antics of the Fox family, their friends, neighbors and so forth.

From inept sports attempts, kite flying, weather apps gone awry, pizza practice, winter games and more the fun never stops and the quips just keep on coming.

Who hasn’t known a family like the Fox family? Or, maybe you ‘are’ the Fox family!

John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Terminal Revenge

There’s revenge. Then there’s Terminal Revenge-a slow, ponderous and possibly painful end.

Konami presents Shonen Jump Yu-Gi-Oh! Trading Card Game Battles Of Legend Terminal Revenge the YGO to end all YGO.

Terminal Revenge combines the storytelling of the Hidden Arsenal series with a signature blend of Foil-ups for popular Cards.

It gives Duelists another chance at tournament-level Cards. It’s an all-Foil Summer Dueling blast!

Terminal World features:
Brand-new Cards for 4 themes introduced in the world the 
Duel Terminal arcade game.

  • Ice Barrier!
  • A Level 10 Synchro Monster that Summons an “Ice Barrier” monster.
  • A variety of “Ice Barrier” monsters’. A new version of the dragon Brionac.
  • Genex the little Normal Monster to Link Summon a brand-new Link-1 monster
  • Infernoid IFusion Monster that multiplies the monsters you have in your Graveyard,
  • Ritual Beast bonds spiritual beasts and their tamers.
  • New Cards that bolster strategies in Phantom Nightmare and Legacy of Destruction.
  • Cool Cards from YGO Manga and animated series.
  • A line-up of popular cards getting Foil upgrades.
  • 5-Card Packs contain 4 Ultra Rares and 1 Secret Rare. 24 Packs come per Box.
  • The Booster Set contains a mix of Secret and Ultra Rares.
  • Some cards are also available as Quarter Century Secret Rares.

They say that revenge is best served up cold. Terminal Revenge serves up plenty of chills, freezing fights and sub-zero shenanigans.

Jeremiah 33:6 - Behold, I will bring it health and cure, and I will cure them, and will reveal unto them the abundance of peace and truth.

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

One Thousand Years Of Manga

Talk to any comic book reader in the United States and they’ll tell you that Manga are Japanese comic books. And that’s true-in a way.

Manga was influenced by American comic books.

American troops brought comic books with them when the U.S.A. occupied Japan after World War II.

Like many things during the occupation the Japanese picked up on comic books and adapted them to their culture-very successfully.

But, to say that Manga were solely created because of the influence of American comic books would be a big disservice to the Japanese.

Ironically Manga is now hugely popular in the United States and has influenced American comic book art in a big way.

To discover how go back and read and look at comic books from the 1960s and 1970s and compare them with the comics books from the 1980s up until present day.  

Beginning with the 1980s comic book series such as Frank Miller's Ronin and Daredevil borrowed heavily from Manga story-telling techniques.

It is very evident that manga has transformed American comic book art.

Illustrated story-telling has been a part of Japanese culture for over 1,000 years.

It is/was drawn from Japanese culture and traditions.

In Japan illustrated graphic novels-comic books-Manga depict all areas of Japanese culture from sports, religion, domestic life, fantasy, science fiction, fashion, sex, transportation-practically anything and everything.

Reading Manga is accepted and is a common part of Japanese life.  Everywhere you go you see people reading Manga-on buses, trains, etc.

Popular Manga has not thousands, but millions of readers each month!

In author Brigitte Koyama-Richard’s new book from Thames & Hudson: One Thousand Years Of Manga, readers are given a visual and an extremely well researched and written history of Manga starting with temple paintings, scrolls, folding screens and other ancient objects.

Learn about the different forms of Manga and how it as an important and integral part of Japanese life.

This beautifully, designed and oversize softback book contains hundreds of illustrations in color and black and white and extensive information about Manga over the centuries.

1 Corinthians 14:33 - For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints.

Monday, July 1, 2024

SSgt. Barnes

During the early to mid-1980s movies and TV series about the Vietnam War were hugely popular. 

One of the most memorable movies was Platoon.

Actor Tom Berenger played the homicidal and cruel SSgt. Barnes whom unmercifully killed the enemy (including women and children) and who led his platoon with an iron fist.

Sideshow Collectibles obtained the rights to create three figures from the film, SSgt. Barnes being one of them.

At the time the Platoon figures were being produced Sideshow also delved into the fully-articulated, 12-inch military and historical figure market.  It produced some of the finest figures of the industry.  

With Platoon Sideshow not only produced licensed figures but military figures as well. They are some of the best produced.

The SSgt. Barnes figure is fully-articulated in all of its joints including the neck and torso and has its hands that are set in grip positions for holding weapons and equipment with no slippage.

All the figure’s clothing, equipment and weapons are fashioned after the Vietnam War era.

SSgt. Barnes wears a standard issue green military outfit for the field.

He is clothed in a heavy, green jacket consisting of a large tuned-down collar, two vest pockets with flaps, two waist pockets with flaps and reinforced cuffs with heavy stitching that open.

Over the coat he wears an equipment belt with shoulder straps with buckles and an equipment belt with a heavy clip buckle loops and rivets.  Hanging onto the belt is two ammo pouches with heavy snap-shut lids.  The belt and pouches are green.

The figure wears loose-fitting trousers with two large pockets with the legs cinched at he bottoms.  The trousers end at the top of the figure’s tall-laced boots.  The boots appear to be canvas with heavy leather soles and toes.  Take a moment to look at the detail on the boots from the stitching to the laces-amazing!

Included with the figure is a standard issue helmet with camo cloth covering, and M-16 Rifle with clip and shoulder strap, three hand grenades, a knife with scabbard and strap and ring attachment, a mine, detonation cord, a firing trigger, a small pouch and a larger pouch for carrying the various detonation equipment.

The M-16 is the most impressive of the weapons.  It’s heavy stock and grip, firing chamber and upper metal handle perfectly match its larger namesake.  It also has strap clips and a trigger guard and clip.

There is also a small knife with a black vertical grip.

The figure easily holds the weapons and equipment with no slippage or chance of dropping them.

The figure is freestanding and requires no base or support wire.

Color application on the figure and weapons duplicate military standard colors with clean even lines and no slopovers.  Molding is crisp and sharp with no rough edges or flashing.  

Barnes scarred face is depicted with his sweaty hair poking out of the bandana on his head.

His eyes look almost maniacal, his mouth is drawn down and his features set in stone.  This is not a man you want to mess with.

Romans 8:15 - For ye have not received the spirit of bondage again to fear; but ye have received the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry, Abba, Father.