
Thursday, July 25, 2024


Have you ever been so scared in your life that it felt as if you were going to faint or die?

And yet, as human beings we love to get scared.  Go figure.

When I was younger some of my favorite magazines were put out by Warren Publications. They included Creepy, Eerie and Vampirella.

I was also a big fan of Famous Monsters Of Film Land, EC Comics and other such publications.

Universal Studios monster movies were also a favorite.

Not long ago I was cruising through the Internet looking for information about said publications. It was then when I spotted some paintings that looked similar to the ones I loved.

Curious I investigated and discovered a whole gallery of scary paintings and illustrations done for Brazilian magazines and comics.

I didn’t recognize the artist’s name: Jayme Cortez, but after more digging I discovered he was a very well-known and respected artist whose art for Brazilian publications was/is much loved by not only Brazilians but others from all over the world.

The majority of his work was published in the 1950s and 1960s. Unfortunately he passed away in the 1970s.

His terror art has been compiled by Korero Press in the deluxe softbound book: Terror The Horror Comic Art Of Jayme Cortez Volume 1 by Fabio Moraes.

Prepare yourself for some of the most horrific, frightening and downright scary art ever created for the horror genre.

Included with the insightful and information packed text is a gallery of full-color paintings ranging from images of vampires, ghouls, monsters and other denizens of the night and imagination.

I love it.

Along with the full-color paintings are sketches, black and white art, model studies and much more.

The book provides an interesting insight into the career, motivation and inner passion for art of the artist.

2 Timothy 1:7 - For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind.

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