
Saturday, August 3, 2024


Who doesn’t appreciate a little horror in their life?

Macabras The Horror Comic Art Of Jayme Cortez Volume 2 by Fabio Moraes and published by Korero Press, is the deluxe softbound follow-up book to Terror The Horror Comic Art Of Jayme Cortez Volume 1.

Inside the book are full-color cover art, black and white illustrations, sketches and much more by the artist.

As with Volume 1 this book also includes an insightful look into the life and career of Jayme Cortez.

If you are a fan of classic horror art like myself you’re sure to love this compilation of scary, bone-chilling and blood-curdling art derived from the imagination of the much loved artist who resided in Brazil.

It’s easy to understand why his art was and is so popular with its garish and bright and yet somber color palette, striking figures and monstrosities and expertly designed layouts.

Forget computer generated images. Give me an old-fashioned paintbrush and paint painting or drawing any day.

Proverbs 29:25 - The fear of man bringeth a snare: but whoso putteth his trust in the LORD shall be safe.

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