Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Art Of Thor The Dark World The Marvel Studios Infinity Saga

How was the second Thor movie different from the first?

In Marvel Studios’ Thor The Dark World film more time was spent examining the unique personalities of the main and supporting characters, especially Thor, Loki and their parents.

A new sinister menace is introduced and the mythology and mystical elements of the Norse Gods is explained and portrayed with amazing locations, character costumes, special practical visual effects and spectacular computer-generated special effects.

In Titan Books’ The Art Of Thor The Dark World The Marvel Studios Infinity Saga, by authors Marie Javins and Stuart Moore, with book design by Jeff Powell, the film is examined from concept to completion.

The deluxe hardbound book with its stunning, full-color dust jacket and low-gloss interior pages brings the film alive in its pages.

Inside is a comparison of the film to Jack Kirby’s Thor art, a journey to the Golden Realm, a page-by-page look at The Book Of Yggorasil, Thor’s new look and his hammer Mjolnir.

Learn all about The Warriors Three, Lady Sif, Vanaheim, the Vanir and the Marauders including everyone’s favorite Stone-Man that is shattered by Thor’s hammer.

Be sure to look at the various storyboards, set and costume designs, character developments, the weapons, the majestic Asgard, the various battles, transports and the marketing of the film.

The book is brimming with stunning full-color art and photos, lots of insider informative text and so much more.

You can spend hours looking over its pages and being surprised and delighted at each turn of the page.

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

The Brand New Microbots #1

Small, but powerful!

Sometime in the future.  Man has devastated the Earth and only a few survivors manage to hold on to life in an underground cave bunker.

After several years a few of the survivors attempt to leave the cave and start a new life.  A scientist and his young son decide to stay behind and enter two experimental suspended animation cells.

As the world changes around them the two sleep only to be awakened millennia later by a young primitive boy out exploring.

He takes them to his people's camp and the village is attacked by a mutated monster.  In the carnage the father is killed and both boys are banished from camp and must set out on their own.

While out they come across a large preprogrammed ancient battle tank that attacks them and chases them to the village.  

The boys and their robot sidekick manage to destroy the tank but not before it destroys the village.

Reunited with the ‘cave boy’s’ people they and the villagers set out to build a new life.

With a great cover, clever story and nice interior art 
The Brand New Microbots #1 was a welcome introduction to a new series from Gold Key way back in 1971.

Proverbs 30:5 - Every word of God is pure: he is a shield unto them that put their trust in him.

Sunday, September 15, 2024

Godzilla The Encyclopedia

Where did Godzilla originate?

Godzilla-the giant lizard with incredible strength and powers has captivated movie-going audiences since the mid-1950s.

I recall seeing my very first Godzilla movie when I was young. It was an American adaptation of the original Godzilla movie with inserted scenes of actor Raymond Burr (Perry Mason and Ironside).

The movie was not only a hit in Japan but the United States and around the world.

Dozens of Godzilla movies have been made since the first one. Included in the movies (and animated series) are a cornucopia of Godzilla foes and allies ranging from flying lizards to weird alien and robot antagonists.

Godzilla was created by the Japanese movie industry as a allegory of the atomic bomb attacks upon Japan during WWII. The movies symbolize mankind’s talent for destruction of not only of fellow humans but the environment and the earth itself.

Godzilla spawned a whole industry dedicated to promoting the giant lizard with toys, publications, miscellaneous merchandise and more.

In author Shinji Nishikawa’s and Titan Books’ softbound book: Godzilla The Encyclopedia, full-color illustrations accompanied by highly-informative text tracks the genesis of Godzilla to the present day.

Full descriptions of each movie, appearance, creature powers, foes and allies and much more are covered in full detail. There are many interesting side notes of little known facts and much more in this exhaustive reference about the giant and powerful Godzilla.

Isaiah 40:31 - But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.

Friday, September 13, 2024

John F. Kennedy

President John F. Kennedy served aboard the Naval PT. #109 boat during World War II.  

PT boats were small, maneuverable and fast boats with minimal armor with a complement of about a dozen men.

One day while on patrol his ship was struck by an enemy ship's weapon's fire and partially sunk.

Kennedy and his men were forced to a nearby island using the damaged boat.

Eventually through Kennedy's efforts both he and his crew were rescued.

His war account is chronicled in the book “Profiles In Courage”.

The Hasbro Toys' John F. Kennedy: PT 109 Boat Commander 12-inch figure bears a striking resemblance to the deceased president.  His boyish good looks: chiseled features with his kind eyes, short-cropped hair and slight smile are all present.

The figure wears a standard naval light tan jacket with two large front pockets with buttoned flaps and rolled up sleeves, tan pants and deep brown shoes.

A gun holster is included to hold the naval revolver that comes with the figure.

Also included is a facsimile nautical map. A soft commander tan cap, a knife, sunglasses, dog tags and a replica of the rescue message JFK used.

The figure stands in the foreground in front of a stiff paper cutout of the PT109 boat in silhouette.  Behind the cutout is the accessories snug in their clear, protective form fitting cocoon.

The figure is fully-articulated with preset hands for holding the various accessories.

Clothing is authentically duplicated and fits the figure with no bunching or unrealistic folds or creases.

The jacket has a full functional zipper with pull down strap and when posed the figure is freestanding and moves smoothly without any binding.

Both the figure and accessories are seen through a clear plastic front viewing panel surrounded by a photo of the young JFK at the bottom of the box and the G.I. Joe logo at the top.

A full historical account is on the back of the box.

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Good Days And MAD

"It's MAD I tell you!  MAD, MAD!"

There are good days and then there are MAD days. Longtime employee of MAD magazine Dick DeBartolo recounts his nearly three decades with the magazine.

He offers fond memories of the usual bunch of idiots who made up the staff and their lovable boss William M. Gaines.

Chock full of memories the book is bulging with art and photos from the magazine’s long publication history.

Get ready for a hysterical tour behind the scenes at MAD Magazine.

DeBartolo recalls his career at the magazine and working with some of the most talented people in the industry in Good Days And MAD courtesy of Thunder's Mouth Press.

To say MAD was unconventional is an understatement.

Writers and artists had almost total free reign and no idea was too outrageous to be considered.

Readers learn about the camaraderie of the creative staff, loyalty, longevity, collaboration and most of all their love for their boss: William M. Gaines.

First hand accounts from both the author and other individuals on the staff along with photos, notes, art, sketches, interviews and commentaries bring the MAD days back to life.

Unfortunately MAD no longer exists in the conventional sense.  Newsstand distribution has stopped and only subscribers and those who purchase the magazine through DC Comics store will receive issues.  

Issues will feature new cover art, reprint interiors with only year-end issues containing new material.

After nearly a 70-year run the premiere humor magazine of America is no more.  It’s SAD and too BAD there will be no more MAD.

Read MAD.  Great humor.  Who says God doesn't have a sense of humor?

Mark 11:25 - And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.

Tuesday, September 10, 2024

Vikings: Valhalla Season One

Who were the Vikings?

Vikings get a bad rap. Most people associate Vikings with horn-adorned warriors that raped, pillaged, plundered and destroyed. That was partially true, but Vikings were much more than that.

They were a seafaring people, farmers, craftsmen, fierce warriors and family-centered, religious and intensely independent and proud.

Did you know it was the Vikings that first discovered America, not Christopher Columbus? Viking swords were remarkable examples of metal working as were their jewelry, wood-working, dwellings and places of worship and burial.

In Warner Bros./Discovery’s Vikings: Valhalla The Complete First Season Blu-ray release viewers witness the exploits of three of the Vikings most famous leaders and warriors: Leif Eriksson, Freydis Eriksdotter and Harald Sigurdsson.

Follow their exploits as they battle the English in their battle for survival.

Internal conflicts abound as pagan and Christian Vikings vie for superiority and as a whole the Vikings cross oceans, hostile territories and battlefields in their quest for glory and survival.

Beautifully filmed, the series also features amazing sets, historically accurate costumes and weapons and realistic depictions on Viking life.

Psalms 31:24 - Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the LORD.




Sunday, September 8, 2024

Mercury Astronaut

It was a time of immense American pride.  During the late 1950s and through the 1960s the America space program kept viewers glued to their TV sets as American Astronauts circled the globe, conducted space experiments and ultimately landed on the moon

The first of the NASA space flights was conducted using the Mercury spacecraft.  

The Hasbro Toys G.I. Joe Mercury Astronaut, 12-inch figure distinguishes itself from most of the other G.I. Joe figures in one important way-the packaging.

The Mercury Astronaut comes in an oversize, flip-lid box with a cutout of the Earth holding the flap closed.

On the front it has a star field and on the back photos of the various G.I. Joes from the 1997 collection.

Inside the back of the flap are full historical facts about the Mercury Astronaut and program.

The figure and accessories are displayed behind a clear plastic panel across from the flap. They are held in place by wire straps against a star field.

A standard G.I. Joe figure with brown hair and eyes fills out the astronaut suit.

Made of silver fabric the suit has a waist and diagonal black zippers. A black oxygen tube fits into the abdominal area.  It is connected to a silver breathing apparatus with a vent and four black short legs that the Astronaut holds in its right hand.

Both hands are in silver mittens held in place by Velcro.

Silver boots with black straps and laces fit over the suit's pant legs.

Across the Astronaut’s upper chest and down his mid-section is attached a white belt with a buckle and support rings.

On it is a small yellow flotation device with a small mirror. Hidden behind it is a NASA patch.

The Astronaut wears a silver flight helmet attached at the neck of the suit.  It has a black -tipped facial opening and a swing back clear plastic viewing plate.

The Astronaut stands against a star field giving it an unearthly feel.

Articulation is snug allowing the figure to pose without slippage and the spacesuit moves freely with the figure with no bunching or stress lines.  Cloth stitching, zippers and fasteners are in scale and secure.

Overall it is a realistic looking figure with historically accurate clothing and equipment all impressively presented.

Proverbs 3:6 - In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Lockheed Constellation

Developed during World War II the Lockheed Constellation 4-prop aircraft was one of the most versatile aircraft ever designed and built.

Originally manufactured for military use the Lockheed Constellation would become one of the premiere commercial aircraft in the Post WWII era.

Known for its sleek design, spacious interior and amenities the Constellation was the perfect all-around aircraft used for military troop and supply transport and luxurious commercial aircraft travel.

In author Wolfgang Borgmann’s and Schiffer Publishing’s Lockheed Constellation small, hardbound book readers learn all about the aircraft in A Legends Of Flight Illustrated History.

Inside detailed black and white and color photos show the aircraft (both interior and exterior) in use as a military aircraft and a civilian commercial plane.

It’s important to note that early commercial air flight was in its infancy.

Passengers were afforded plenty of room, lots of amenities, including full meals, and because air flight on prop planes took longer other comforts were also included.

Flying on a commercial aircraft at that time was considered a special event. People wore their best cloths and received great personal service.

Detailed text outlines the history of the aircraft in all of it versions.

Promotional material from that era is also shown as well various interior layouts and photo of passengers receiving personal and friendly service.

It was a time when the general public was just starting to use commercial aircraft.

The Lockheed Constellation delivered high quality and durability both as a military aircraft and a passenger commercial means of transportation.

Ephesians 4:29 - Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers.

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Odd Job

"Do you expect me talk?"

"No, Mr. Bond.  I expect you to die!"

To me the James Bond film Goldfinger set the standard by which all James Bond films that followed it adhered to and emulated.  It was the ‘gold’ standard when it came to Bond films.

The women, gadgets, cars, locations and especially the villains catapulted the film to near legendary status.

While Auric Goldfinger-the gold hunger, megalomaniac filthy rich madman was the main antagonist it was his head henchman Oddjob that stole the spotlight.

The Asian muscle man with the metal-rimmed bowler hat was more than a match for James Bond or anyone else who got in his way.

To me he is the ultimate Bond henchman-cold, ruthless, deadly and dangerous.

The Sideshow Collectibles' 12-inch Oddjob figure comes packaged in a flip lid box with a color reproduction of the Goldfinger poster on its cover.  The sides and back sport photos of Oddjob along with scenes from the movie and short text clips about the film and Oddjob.  

On the inside flap is a rundown on the Goldfinger film and a list of cast members.

The figure and accessories are protected by a clear piece of plastic and held in place by a plastic cocoon and straps.  A sheet of tissue paper keeps the protective plastic from scrubbing.

Included with the figure are two bars of German gold, Oddjob’s deadly black bowler hat, his custom pistol with silencer and a Goldfinger circular base with wire support for posing the figure.

The Oddjob figure is fully posable with multiple points of articulation.

Clothing moves and folds naturally over the figure without binding.

The figure’s hands are preset to hold the accessories with no slippage and when set on the wire support base the figure poses and remains in position without slipping due to looseness.

The figure’s head matches that of Oddjob with its short-cropped hair, small piercing eyes, stern look, small mustache and thick neck.

Its attire consists of a white shirt with black tie, a black jacket with buttons, pockets and padded shoulders, gray pants and black shoes.

The paint application, sculpt and clothing are all expertly done with no paint slopover or rough articulation edges and expertly stitched and designed clothing.

It’s a well-done figure that captures the evil essence of Oddjob-one of filmdom’s famous villains.

1 Corinthians 16:13 - Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Ironman Beneath The Armor

Ol' Shellhead's Armor!

What lies beneath the gold and red armor of Ironman? Writer Andy Mangels and Del Rey ask readers to steel themselves for an inside look at the original heavy metal hero in Ironman Beneath The Armor!

The oversize softbound book features a full-color illustration of Ironman on its cover with a short description of the contents of the book on the back cover.

What makes this book so practical and informative is the way it is laid out.

The book starts out with an extensive examination of the life of Tony Stark, how he became Ironman, what changes he went through in his life and the people he affected.

A photo gallery of key Ironman appearances also showcases and displays followed up by Ironman’s interaction with other Marvel characters, his movie premiere, a rogue’s gallery and so much more.

Like his gallery of Ironman armor the book traces the evolution of the character, his growing popularity and what the future holds in store for ol’ Shellhead.

God, my father, continues to supply me books to read either via review copies or in used book stores.

Hebrews 10:25 - Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching.

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Star Trek The Art Of Glenn Hetrick's Alchemy Studios

Star Trek Movie and TV Magic!

Love it or hate it Paramount Studios/CBS’s Star Trek: Discovery TV series has produced some amazing special effects both digitally and practically.

Perhaps the most striking and ground-breaking effects the series has produced is the wide range of alien races seen in the series.

Never before has such a diverse selection of aliens ever been seen-some humanoid, some not.

Gone are the days of rubber masks and gloves along with clunky, slapped together costumes and alien torsos.

Today’s science fiction/Star Trek fans expect more and boy does Discovery deliver.

None of Discovery’s astonishing alien races would have been possible save for Alchemy Studios.

In author Joe Nazzaro’s and Titan Books’ new Star Trek The Art Of Glenn Hetrick's Alchemy Studios oversize hardbound book, with its beautiful photo montage cover and stunning interior photos, fans of Star Trek are invited along to discover how the various alien faces, bodies and accessories are created.

The book reveals the magic of prosthetic makeup complete with designer commentaries, behind-the-scenes photos, technical how-tos, hidden mechanisms for movement and how the textures and colors are applied.

The books includes everything from early design sketches and concept art, sculpts, hair and skin application, attire, technical gadgets, ornamentation and more.

It is absolutely fascinating to see how artists conceive characters, guide the designs to completion and the final results as seen on the screen.

What a visual treat with loads of full-color photos, informative text and comments by the designers, artists and production personnel.

New materials, techniques and know-how combine to create some of the most realistic and mesmerizing creatures imaginable.

1 Corinthians 16:13 - Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.