
Friday, September 13, 2024

John F. Kennedy

President John F. Kennedy served aboard the Naval PT. #109 boat during World War II.  

PT boats were small, maneuverable and fast boats with minimal armor with a complement of about a dozen men.

One day while on patrol his ship was struck by an enemy ship's weapon's fire and partially sunk.

Kennedy and his men were forced to a nearby island using the damaged boat.

Eventually through Kennedy's efforts both he and his crew were rescued.

His war account is chronicled in the book “Profiles In Courage”.

The Hasbro Toys' John F. Kennedy: PT 109 Boat Commander 12-inch figure bears a striking resemblance to the deceased president.  His boyish good looks: chiseled features with his kind eyes, short-cropped hair and slight smile are all present.

The figure wears a standard naval light tan jacket with two large front pockets with buttoned flaps and rolled up sleeves, tan pants and deep brown shoes.

A gun holster is included to hold the naval revolver that comes with the figure.

Also included is a facsimile nautical map. A soft commander tan cap, a knife, sunglasses, dog tags and a replica of the rescue message JFK used.

The figure stands in the foreground in front of a stiff paper cutout of the PT109 boat in silhouette.  Behind the cutout is the accessories snug in their clear, protective form fitting cocoon.

The figure is fully-articulated with preset hands for holding the various accessories.

Clothing is authentically duplicated and fits the figure with no bunching or unrealistic folds or creases.

The jacket has a full functional zipper with pull down strap and when posed the figure is freestanding and moves smoothly without any binding.

Both the figure and accessories are seen through a clear plastic front viewing panel surrounded by a photo of the young JFK at the bottom of the box and the G.I. Joe logo at the top.

A full historical account is on the back of the box.

Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

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