
Monday, December 9, 2024

Bloodlines Vampire Stories From New England

Like many people my age (I’m 71) their first encounter with vampires was the Universal Studios black and white film starring Bela Lugosi as Vlad The Impaler or Dracula-the king of the vampires.

Since watching that film I’ve gone on to watch a number of vampire movies and TV shows and read a plethora of vampire tales-some placed in the past, in the present and even in the future.

I’ve read or seen films, TV shows and novels about horrific  non-human suckers of blood and even vampires that sparkle-go figure.

In Bloodlines Vampire Stories From New England, part of The American Vampire Series from Cumberland House Publishing/Turner Publishing Company and edited by Lawrence Schimel and Martin H Greenberg, haunting tales steeped in the New England region of the United States are collected as written by master storytellers.

Is it surprising so much vampire lore originates in New England? Not really.

The region is some of the oldest occupied territory in the United States and North America. Like vampires the fondness of ancestry is long-lived and cloaked in mystery in the northern regions.

Join 10 writers as they explore the dark, foreboding, dangerous and haunting, Stygian world of the vampire in some of the most chilling, unsettling and blood-curdling tales imaginable.

Beware as you traverse the back woods, ancient sites, dark and dank catacombs, buildings and back alleys lest you encounter the devils in the dark that will drain your blood and make you one of their own.

Vampires take many forms from agents of the IRS, actors and actresses, cursed, welcome visitors to small towns, unwilling victims, parasites, classic examples of blood drinkers, lovelorn and best left alone.

Find a well-lite corner in your house, away from the windows and never, never answer the door should a stranger dressed in black and whose skin is deathly pale and breath smells of blood.

You’ve been warned. There a certain lines you do not cross and Bloodlines in one such line.

Ecclesiastes 12:7 - Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it.

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