
Friday, December 27, 2024

Conjuring The Spirit World Art, Magic, And Mediums

Back in the 19th and early 20th Centuries both Europeans and Americans were fascinated by seances, magic and spiritualism.

Many believed that by holding seances they could communicate with their deceased loved ones.

Predictably hucksters and con artists managed to fool the gullible and unsuspecting public with their slights of hand, parlor tricks, illusions and staged ‘ghost’ encounters.

Hand-in-hand with the seances was the popularity of magic show and magicians. Harry Houdini is the one most associated with magic at that time period but there were many other magicians who thrilled audiences by their magic, slight of hand and illusions.

Both seances and magic were big business and the public could not seem to get enough of either.

In Conjuring The Spirit World Art, Magic, And Mediums: the new deluxe, oversize hardbound book, written by George H. Schwartz and published by Rizzoli/Universe, (in conjunction with a Museum exhibit) the magic and seance phenomenon of that period are showcased and spotlighted.

Collectors all over the world generously allowed the writer and publisher access to their period promotional items and other ephemera from that time not that long ago.

Detailed text delves into the time period, those who practiced the deceptions and those who believed and partook in seances and much more.

Archival photos and collectible items are reproduced in full-color and black and white.

The publisher printed the interior pages on dull-coat paper giving the overall book the look of an older publication.

The book provides an insightful look at a forgotten time and how even then audiences were fooled by clever visual tricks and slight of hand.

Imagine what it would have been like if the perpetrators of such shenanigans had access to the technology we have today?

Matthew 10:28 - And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.

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