
Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Crisis On Infinite Earths #12

This is the big one!  This is where the DC Universe was permanently altered and condensed for continuity’s sake and to aid new DC Comics’ readers in understanding what the DC Universe was all about.

It is the culmination of the massive 12-part maxi-series by Marv Wolfman and George Perez that reinvented, reinvigorated, relaunched and revitalized the entire DC Comics Universe.  It’s a biggie folks!

Artist George Perez (with asset from Jerry Ordway) pulls out all the stops in one of the most ambitious hero and villain jam-packed culmination of a maxi-series ever devised in Crisis On Infinite Earths #12.

Over the series billions of people died, worlds were destroyed, the Flash and Supergirl gave their lives as did so many heroes (and villains) from all the alternate earths and universes.

In the final issue the heroes face off against the Anti-Monitor in his own Anti-Matter Universe.

Harbinger appears to declare the final conflict just as the Anti-Monitor’s shadow creatures attack.  As the universe collapses both hero and villain unite to take down the Anti-Monitor.

Finally the Golden Age Superman delivers the final blow.  Changes ripple throughout the DC Universe as heroes are reborn, the past and future are altered and the DC Universe is condensed into one world.

Ironically only a few years later the DC Universe would need another cleansing.and another...and another...until the alternate earths all returned.and then some.

The DC Universe would survive several Crises, a new 52, a Rebirth and finally settle into what it is today. 

The Crisis On Infinite Earths maxi-series is a ’must-have’ for any DC Comics or comic book fan.   It is one of the most important events that has ever taken place in the DC Universe and allowed the DC to evolve over the years since its completion. 

Isaiah 55:8 (NKJV) “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” says the Lord.”

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