
Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Gender Identity: Earth X Thor Goddess Of Thunder

Not to long ago the power of Thor was transferred to Jane Foster making her the first ‘official’ female Thor.

In a maxi-series by Marvel Comics entitled Universe X there was another female Thor.

What would Thor look like as a woman?  As handsome as the male Thor is the female Thor is just as stunning.

Loki The God of Mischief is delighted when Odin The All-Father decides Thor needs a lesson in humility.

Thus, he changes Thor into a woman so that he might understand and comprehend a woman’s plight when considered only an object of lust amongst men.

Sure that he can now best Thor Loki is surprised when as a woman Thor is every bit as powerful and capable as when she was a man-thus proving that men and women are equals when it comes to courage and valor.

Artist Alex Ross is considered one of the finest artists ever to illustrate superheroes.

His meticulous attention to detail translates into spectacular art.

Using his formidable 2D skills Alex successfully designed the Female Thor Bust for Diamond Select/Dynamic Forces/Marvel.

What makes this bust slightly different than most busts or statues is that it consists of three different materials: bisque, wood (or is it?) and metal.

The scupt on this figure is amazing as is the coloring, texturing and design.

The figure comes in a large box decorated with the Earth X logo and photos of the enclosed bust.

The bust is packaged inside a form-fitting Styrofoam cocoon taped shut.  My particular bust is #137 out of 2,5000.

The bust stands just over six inches.

The bust ends below Thor's bustline and upper arms and is mounted on a square wood(?) base with the words ‘Thor Goddess Of Thunder’ on its front.

Thor wears a silver metal helmet with a pike and with large silver wings coming out from both sides.

Her face has a stern expression on it.  Her eyes are bright blue with small eyebrows and her nose is small and straight perched over her deep pink lips.

Her hair cascades over her shoulders and two large golden braids extend below her bust.

Thor also wears a black, sleeveless and collarless shirt(armor) with pointed shoulders, twin silver discs over her breasts and twin silver upper arm bracelets.

A large red cape attaches to the back of the shirt and falls down her back.

The bust is quite heavy for its size and very stable due to its base and weight.

Hebrews 11:1 (KJV) “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.”

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