
Saturday, April 16, 2022

The Madder He Gets-The Stronger He Gets--Mean, Green Fighting Machine: The Incredible Hulk

What are some of the hardest early Marvel Comics comic books to find?  If you thought it is The Fantastic Four or The Amazing Spider-Man you would be wrong.

The original 6-issue run of The Incredible Hulk is the winner.

Stan Lee presents and writes The Incredible Hulk oversize softbound book from Fireside/Simon & Schuster.

The book features the complete Hulk stories in Issues 1-6 and many of the Hulk stories of the anthology title: tales To Astonish.

In the Hulk stories the Green Goliath faces off against The Avengers The Toad Men, The Fantastic Four, The Leader and other classic Hulk foes and fellow heroes.

Each tale is in full color and separate text pieces are included written by Stan Lee.  One spotlights Hulk 1-6 and the second focuses in on his adventures in Tales To Astonish.

It’s a great collection of early Hulk tales all for the price of a single book.

Philippians 4:4 (KJV) “Rejoice in the Lord always: and again I say, Rejoice.”

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