
Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Golden Age Heroes Return: All-Star Squadron #29

One of my all-time favorite artists: Jerry Ordway, guest penciled DC Comics All-Star Squadron issue #29 back in 1984.

Jerry has the uncanny ability to draw huge groups of people, give them their own individual looks and personalities and do it in style. His art is clean, crisp, realistic and very polished.

In issue #29 a very special event took place.

The story begins in WWII. The Shining Knight mounted on his flying horse and brandishing his magic sword defeated some German aircraft attacking England.

Returning to London he met with Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

He recounted to the Minister his earlier exploits with his former team mates: The Seven Soldiers Of Victory consisting of himself, The Star Spangled Kid, Stripes, The Crimson Avenger, The Green Arrow, Speedy and The Vigilante.

One of their adventures involved the maniacal, power hungry Dr. Doome.

Doome had transported from the past several infamous military leaders: Nero, Attila The Hun, Napoleon Bonaparte, Genghis Khan and Alexander The Great.

With their help and his time-traveling power rod he planned to rule the world.

Dr. Doome trapped The Seven Soldiers Of Victory back in time and disappeared back to year 1942.  They escaped and cornered Doome who managed to escape to the future.

Roy Thomas provided an intriguing and powerful script and Jerry Ordway did an excellent job illustrating the time traveling tale.

Jerry Ordway's art really made this issue stand out.  His mastery of human anatomy, clothing, backgrounds and page layouts made for an exciting tale.

Jerry is one of the most polished and talented artists in the comic book industry.  His work has the classic look and feel of past illustrators and anything he does he puts 100% into it.  I’ve never seen a shoddy job done by him.

I wish there were more books illustrated by him.  He deserves a title of his own.

1 John 1:9 (NIV) “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

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