
Monday, April 11, 2022

Winding Down--I'm An Old Man

I hate to admit it, but, I’m old.  I turned 69 in January and if my family linage holds true I’ll probably pass away in my 80s.

It happened so fast.  One minute I’m graduating high school and the next minute I’m married (43 years) have two great grown kids and two awesome grandkids.

I’ve accumulated so much stuff from writing reviews I’ not sure what to do with it all.

Some I’ll leave to my kids and their families.  Other stuff I’ll probably sell, give away, donate to my church or alma mater or leave behind.

I’m at the age that I wonder when the end will come.  Will I go first or will my wife?  If I go first  I’ll leave a lot behind for my wife to deal with.

If she goes first, I know I will be devastated, heart broken and all alone.

All of my immediate family has died: my dad, my mom and my siblings.  I’ll have my kids of course, but they have their own lives.  I don’t want to impose on them.

I’ll still have my church family and friends.

More that likely I’ll sell off most everything or do what I mentioned above.  

I’m pretty certain I’ll sell the house and move into a small apartment or home.  I’ll probably travel, visit old friends and family and that should just about do it.

If I go first my wife has her sisters and family.  My kids will make sure she is OK.  She’ll probably cope better than I would.  She’s a strong woman.  

She’s the love of my life, my best friend and she’s helped me in more ways that I can list.

If it were not for her I’m sure I never would have gotten married, I would have had a lonely life and would pass away and no one would care.

I’m so grateful to her and for God sending her my way.  We’ve had a blessed life.  So many wonderful memories.  God has been so good to us.  

Regardless of who goes first I know we’ll be together throughout eternity-for that I thank God with all of my heart.

Revelation 21:4
(NKJV) “And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes; there shall be no more death, nor sorrow, nor crying. There shall be no more pain, for the former things have passed away.”

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