
Friday, January 20, 2023

Visual Start Guide Adobe Photoshop

I requested this review copy of Peachpit Press’s Visual Quickstart Guide Adobe Photoshop for several reasons.

First off-I’ve started designing again and I have to admit I’m a little rusty.

I’ve began a series of book illustrations using Photoshop (albeit it is an old version).

You may be asking yourself what has that got to do with Peachpit’s Photoshop book?

First and foremost I need to get up to speed on Photoshop and I know of no better source to do so that than with Peachpit Press’s Photoshop book which includes a free web edition with a video.

Peachpit offers the very best instructional books on all of Adobe’s products along with a vast library of instructional books on a variety of other computer programs.

My second reason for requesting the book is that it is my hope to get the newest version of Adobe Photoshop soon. I need to know ahead of time as to what to expect.

Authors Nigel French and Mike Rankin make it easy to understand Photoshop. Having worked in the program before I am familiar with many of its capabilities.

But, a lot has changed with the program over the last few years, including offering new functions, effects, etc.

The book uses lots of visuals combined with step-by-step comprehensive instructions and explanations.

I intend to keep this book close at hand as I learn and relearn the intricacies of Photoshop. Trust me, I’m that rusty. But I’m sure by using the Visual Quickstart Guide I’ll be up and current in no time at all. 

"Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid." — John 14:27

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